- Local time
- 4:02 PM
- 571
- 535
7th Cavalry Regiment
7th Cavalry Regiment
Name of Combat Mission: WFW 232
Number Within Campaign: 1/4
Game: ARMA 3
Server Hosted on: TACR
Date of Combat Mission: 03APR24
Time of Combat Mission (Zulu): 2300z (1800CST)
Mission OIC: Sergeant Gann.T
Mission Controllers: Lieutenant Colonel Dread.M, Staff Sergeant Hilberg.A, Corporal Rodahl.S
Major Mackey.A
Captain Beiter.A
First Lieutenant Sam.T
Chief Warrant Officer 3 Wulf.C
Chief Warrant Officer 2 Villmarsson.L
Warrant Officer 1 Sutodoreh.W
Staff Sergeant Phillips.B
Staff Sergeant Westcott.R
Sergeant Willson.JA
Corporal Almaguer.R
Corporal Bethea.A
Corporal Blake.H
Corporal Corbin.R
Corporal Holiday.T
Corporal Mobius.T
Corporal Spin.M
Corporal Teddy.J
Corporal Terp.J
Corporal Whitehead.B
Corporal Rodahl.S
Corporal Zander.D
Corporal Zaren.T
Specialist Apollo.R
Specialist Gilman.A
Specialist Hamm.C
Specialist Hart.L
Specialist Shepard.S
Specialist West.Z
Specialist Winters.R
Specialist Xinos.T
Private First Class Kuusela.N
Private First Class Otel.J
Private First Class Peterson.L
Private First Class Pierce.A
Private First Class Shere.J
Private First Class Vincent.C
Private First Class Willson.R
Private Neubauer.P
Recruit Bryan.R
Reservist Eugene.R
Non-Cav Personnel:
Expendable Joe
RCT.Smith, WD
Too Many Cooks
Dread's Feedback
- Lots of individual squad movements that were amazing to watch from the overhead. Shout out to MISFIT-2 on striking directions on contact.
- AI reacted exactly as I intended them. The hills were a trap for the Platoon. I knew if I could suck the Platoon into the forest fighting for nothing it would give enough time for the AI's triggered movement to push off the Objectives and reduce MISFIT's ability to support one another.
- Amazing signups for positions.
- Use of SPARROW seemed to go well until BLUFOR CAP wasn't present because of disconnects.
- I built the mission with four goals 1.) Test MH-47 2.) Challenge OIC in the planning of "how" 3.) Draw the Cav Platoon into close gun fights with peer to peer. We lose a lot of our advantages when we are online with AI that don't just stand in the open 300m away asking to get shot. 4.) Build an OP with ships that wasn't completely broken. I failed goal 4 miserably. Spent a long time testing respawns and teleporters to make sure it all worked. Never thought someone would try "picking it up". REDFOR CAP nukes the MH-47 at the start because BLUFOR CAP activated it and then disconnected. I still dont see a way around FW without an "Air Zeus" or we live with things like this are going to happen until someone figures out how to script AI threat table to pull transports off it. They nuke helicopters from across the map when there isn't an immediate threat no matter what skill or posture you put them in.
- Some complaints about no AI on the buildings around the objectives. Its because most of them moved off the objectives and into the hills because MSIFIT was fighting there for an hour.
- The "AI see threw trees" not factual. At four different points in the OP BLUFOR and REDFOR patrolled past one another. Even the AI SLs popped IR strobes on themselves for some reason. They shot at muzzle flashes. What really happen is the platoon movement was not in mutual support for almost the entire OP. So when a squad engaged they had nobody engage from their left or right. Essentially taking on contact entirely on their own.
- Complaints about mag dumping into targets. It was peer to peer. I watched both sides mag dump into one another to get someone down. Not sure how to adjust that or if it needs to be adjusted at all. I watched troopers empty into a guy that eventually bled out. I watched a trooper tank four shooters one with an automatic weapon, and he didn't go down until he got flanked while bandaging.
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