Hello again Brothers and Sisters!
The time has come for the 7th Cavalry to jump into the 2024 Call to Arms Campaign! Last year we managed to raise over $5300.00 so we could send Stack-up supply drops to Veterans around the world! We have been a part of the Stack-up community since 2019, and have been inducted onto their wall of heroes for our Teams/members generous donation.
Why did we choose Stack-up?
Stack-up was created by veterans and gamers in 2015 who want to make a difference. Since we ourselves are veterans and gamers, it seems like the best initiative for us to get on the ground level of. Together as gamers we can show the world why gaming is good for people, and how it benefits our amazing veterans with their problems through this program.
What is in it for you?
Just as we support Stack-up and the Veterans around the world, so do they in turn support us. They have offered to be a part of any 7th Cavalry Charity streams, or content creations made by our members either personally, or for the Yellow and Black. If that be through Twitch streaming, Youtube content, or Pod Casts they will offer you a Media Kit, and personnel to assist you with your stream.
Stack-up also has a reward program for members or players who reach a tier in their donation journey during the Campaign. You can get all sort of goodies like T-Shirts, Water bottles, and other gaming type items as thank you for your generous donations. I have also asked if its possible to get clothing items with our names on them as rewards which they have never thought of before.
The 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment along with Streamers, and other donators from Stack-up managed to raise over $656,000.00 in 2023! Thats a lot of cash for vets!
How to Help
If you are interested in helping the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment continue on its Stack-up journey please feel free to join our team! Lets try to get another supply drop funded for another veteran in need!
Setup and Registration
1: Go to this LINK
Help support Stack Up annual Call to Arms! Won't you join us and help support this awesome cause? All funds raised support Stack Ups mission to break down the stigmas associated with PTSD, depression, and mental illness through the use of gaming.
2: Click "Join Our Team" and follow the steps
3: For those wishing to stream live content below is the Streamer Kit:
4: For tracking issues, when you join the team make sure your name is your 7Cav name so we can track who donated and how much was donated by each member.
Each person should join the team and donate to their goal for the team drive to help track all your support for Stack-Up!
If you were on the team last year you must rejoin the team for 2024.
If you have any questions about this or would like to help out in any way, please feel free to contact me. 2LT.Fields.Q 246815972466491402 or message me on the forums
Awards for the StackUp donations will be posted at the end of the year.
Also if you have any streaming questions or any questions regarding Stack-Up please feel free to contact Christy "TATORESS" Bowman. She will be more than happy to help with any issues regarding streaming. CHRISTY can be contacted any time on Discord! Tatoress#2029
Lets give back to our armed forces!
The time has come for the 7th Cavalry to jump into the 2024 Call to Arms Campaign! Last year we managed to raise over $5300.00 so we could send Stack-up supply drops to Veterans around the world! We have been a part of the Stack-up community since 2019, and have been inducted onto their wall of heroes for our Teams/members generous donation.
Why did we choose Stack-up?
Stack-up was created by veterans and gamers in 2015 who want to make a difference. Since we ourselves are veterans and gamers, it seems like the best initiative for us to get on the ground level of. Together as gamers we can show the world why gaming is good for people, and how it benefits our amazing veterans with their problems through this program.
What is in it for you?
Just as we support Stack-up and the Veterans around the world, so do they in turn support us. They have offered to be a part of any 7th Cavalry Charity streams, or content creations made by our members either personally, or for the Yellow and Black. If that be through Twitch streaming, Youtube content, or Pod Casts they will offer you a Media Kit, and personnel to assist you with your stream.
Stack-up also has a reward program for members or players who reach a tier in their donation journey during the Campaign. You can get all sort of goodies like T-Shirts, Water bottles, and other gaming type items as thank you for your generous donations. I have also asked if its possible to get clothing items with our names on them as rewards which they have never thought of before.
The 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment along with Streamers, and other donators from Stack-up managed to raise over $656,000.00 in 2023! Thats a lot of cash for vets!

How to Help
If you are interested in helping the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment continue on its Stack-up journey please feel free to join our team! Lets try to get another supply drop funded for another veteran in need!
Setup and Registration
1: Go to this LINK
Help support Stack Up annual Call to Arms! Won't you join us and help support this awesome cause? All funds raised support Stack Ups mission to break down the stigmas associated with PTSD, depression, and mental illness through the use of gaming.

2: Click "Join Our Team" and follow the steps
3: For those wishing to stream live content below is the Streamer Kit:
Google Drive: Sign-in
Access Google Drive with a Google account (for personal use) or Google Workspace account (for business use).drive.google.com
4: For tracking issues, when you join the team make sure your name is your 7Cav name so we can track who donated and how much was donated by each member.
Each person should join the team and donate to their goal for the team drive to help track all your support for Stack-Up!
If you were on the team last year you must rejoin the team for 2024.
If you have any questions about this or would like to help out in any way, please feel free to contact me. 2LT.Fields.Q 246815972466491402 or message me on the forums
Awards for the StackUp donations will be posted at the end of the year.
Also if you have any streaming questions or any questions regarding Stack-Up please feel free to contact Christy "TATORESS" Bowman. She will be more than happy to help with any issues regarding streaming. CHRISTY can be contacted any time on Discord! Tatoress#2029
Lets give back to our armed forces!
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