7th Cavalry Gaming

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Abuse In 7th CAV US East #2 Server

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Local time
1:41 AM
Hey Admins,

I was playing in the 7th Cav US East #2 Server - joined a squad ~8:15pm on Utah Beach. One of the squad mates I'm nearly certain had a type of disability or mental illness and probably shouldn't have been playing the game. He was talking very fast, had a poor quality mic and this to a certain degree made it easy for other squad mates to make fun of him.

Other squad members, one in particular were making fun of him to the point where I feel compelled to sign up and make this post. One user Erroneous was accusing this guy of having down syndrome, being on the spectrum, etc. and incessantly making fun of him for the 30 minutes I was in the round. Normally I wouldn't care, but I think this person actually had issues and this guy wouldn't stop open mic laughing at the guy and relentlessly bullying him. I'd reccomend banning this user from the server for abuse. Other squad members were doing similar stuff but not to the same degree.

The steam account for the guy doing the abusing is this: https://steamcommunity.com/id/oreX/

If I need to provide the account of who was being bullied I can provide that too.


Active Duty
Start-Ups HQ
WAG Staff
MP Staff
S7 Staff
Local time
11:41 PM
ironman3112 thank you for bringing this to our attention. We greatly appreciate it! I do not have the authority to do anything about this but we will keep a record of this in case the problem arises again.

If you have trouble like this again, you can join our teamspeak or our discord server to get in contact with an admin quicker.

If you ever have the time and you see me online on our servers, I would be more than happy to play some games with you! Once again, thank you for helping us keep to standards and quality of our servers high!

Thank you,
Hell Let Loose Public Relations Lead


Warrant Officer 1
Local time
6:41 AM
Thank you for raising this issue. You have certainly done the right thing.

Bullying of any kind is not acceptable in our servers and we do not stand for it. We pride ourselves in upholding our ROE’s and Codes of Conduct to provide a fun and safe environment. Nobody should feel targeted due to their disabilities.

I will have a look at the logs and see what they show. If there are any screenshots or video you could send that would also help. I will make a note/hotlist of the player concerned and we will monitor him when he returns to our servers.

As the LT mentioned, if you have any issues in the future, please call for admin in TS3 or discord for a quicker response.


MP - 2IC
Local time
1:41 AM
Hey Budd/Jay,

Thanks for taking the time to respond its appreciated.

I don't have any recordings of the incident - but I appreciate you guys taking a look at the logs. Overall I've played 200 hours in HLL, first time I've come across this so I don't think I'll come across it again (hopefully). Also in the future I'll got to the discord/ts if I come across an issue.

I'll give you guys a shout out next time I'm on, I normally play on the 7cav servers and my username is Heres Johnny3112.


Local time
12:41 AM
As someone with autism, that honestly doesn't fly at all with me.. I know I'm new here but thank you anyway for letting them know and putting out this post. You did the right thing! And I know for sure that the cav was the right community to join. I have no regrets and I get impressed with you all as a brotherhood and community by the day! Salute


Warrant Officer 1
Local time
6:41 AM
As someone with autism, that honestly doesn't fly at all with me.. I know I'm new here but thank you anyway for letting them know and putting out this post. You did the right thing! And I know for sure that the cav was the right community to join. I have no regrets and I get impressed with you all as a brotherhood and community by the day! Salute
Welcome Sage.

As above, that sort of abuse or any abuse does not sit with me, the MP's or anyone in the Cav. I hope you enjoy your time here and if you have any issues you feel confident in raising them through your CoC or if its in the public domain, with the MP dept. Additionally, if you need an ear to bend, feel free to drop into TS3 and find me or any Cav member who will be happy to listen.

Welcome to the Yellow and Black.

Respectfully as always,



Private First Class
Dishon. Discharge
Local time
5:11 PM
I know I am late on this to reply, but, I also have autism, I am on an extremely mild spectrum to a point you can hardly tell I have either. I am also intellectually disabled to an extremely mild degree as well.

I am compelled to reply here to agree with Jay.M along with all of the M.P. Department that has responded.

I am in the same boat here, because I have Chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from bullying.

I absolutely despise this behavior from anyone, and I am surprised that due to this, I have not been invited to join the M.P. Department as a 3rd billet (I am like Robbi.J, I'll take on as many jobs here as I can) to help stop this behavior.


I hope I can join the M.P. Department in the future.


Sergeant Major
Active Duty
RRD Staff
Local time
1:41 AM
I know I am late on this to reply, but, I also have autism, I am on an extremely mild spectrum to a point you can hardly tell I have either. I am also intellectually disabled to an extremely mild degree as well.

I am compelled to reply here to agree with Jay.M along with all of the M.P. Department that has responded.

I am in the same boat here, because I have Chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from bullying.

I absolutely despise this behavior from anyone, and I am surprised that due to this, I have not been invited to join the M.P. Department as a 3rd billet (I am like Robbi.J, I'll take on as many jobs here as I can) to help stop this behavior.


I hope I can join the M.P. Department in the future.
Trooper this is not the time or place to answer on this. Nor appropriate 2 years after the fact.
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