7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

Announcement IASP HLL Tournament needs YOU!


1st Lieutenant
Local time
1:47 PM

Hello everyone!

The time has come! We will finally be putting the HLL IASP Charity Tournament into motion during the month of April. For those of you who don’t know, this event will be focused on raising money for the International Association for Suicide Prevention. A great organization that works to address a tragic problem that has too often afflicted our Community. With this endeavor we hope to raise awareness within the HLL community, and to help people struggling with suicidal thoughts and those who live in the aftermath of a suicide.

The tournament dates ware currently scheduled as follows:​
  1. Saint Mere Eglise - 10/11APR21​

  2. Carentan - 17/18APR21​

  3. Hurtgen Forest - 24/25APR21​
Possible times range from 1800Z to 0200Z in order to accommodate players in all time zones and depending on the clans involved.

In order to run this tournament S3 will need help to make this ambitious project happen. That is why we need to reach out to you!

We need individuals to help us record the games and we need individuals who are willing to take command in battle. If you feel able to step up and help this is the time!

Please don’t hesitate to PM the contacts below.​

This is a chance to help your community, The Cav, and to do some good in the world. Lets work together to make this happen!

Get started by joining our gofundme team at https://charity.gofundme.com/o/en/campaign/7cav-team

The S3 Hell Let Loose Staff​

Please pass this down to your troopers
Garcia.SM Preacher.A Williamson.J Strider.R
Wolf.G Heberlig.G Huber.B Goel.B Sven.S Little.D Mix.C
Komar.T Mulholland.J Brown.G Kinser.E Goings.N Henson.K DeMuyt.H
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Regimental Adjutant General
Brigadier General
Active Duty
Regimental HQ
Local time
7:47 AM
We need admin cameramen for recording!!!! If you are above the rank of SGT, available during any of the posted match, and willing to record admin cam footage. WE NEED YOU!!!
Please Sign-up for dates and times by replying to this thread!

Please pass down to your Company
Budd.D Profenno.L

Those who expressed interest take a look and sign-up for week 1!
Hermes.S MacLaren.A Moore-Allen.D


Lieutenant Colonel
Active Duty
2-7 HQ
Local time
6:47 AM
I am able and willing to admin cam for all of the games of week 1. If so needed I can record every game for week 1.


Regimental Adjutant General
Brigadier General
Active Duty
Regimental HQ
Local time
7:47 AM
I am able and willing to admin cam for all of the games of week 1. If so needed I can record every game for week 1.
We also encourage everyone who interested with above requirements to sign-up so we can break things up a bit between all the admins!


Local time
7:47 AM
I am able and willing to admin cam for week 1 on Saturday 3pm eastern, possibly more depending on my work schedule (I will know by next Thursday/Friday).