7th Cavalry Gaming

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  1. Villmarsson.L

    Operation ARMA 3 | March Warfare Wednesday 2024 | Every Wednesday @2200Z (6pm EST)

    Fixed Wing Pilot (RED LEADER) whatever this is i will sign for this
  2. Villmarsson.L

    Operation ARMA 3 | Joint Clan Operation | Operation Dust-Off | 18FEB2024 @2200Z

    taken copilot but join the crew man ;)
  3. Villmarsson.L

    Operation ARMA 3 | Joint Clan Operation | Operation Dust-Off | 18FEB2024 @2200Z

    Hamm.C i can be ur copilot man i have fun flying with u man
  4. Villmarsson.L

    Operation ARMA 3 | February Warfare Wednesday 2024 | Every Wednesday @2300Z (6pm EST)

    i know but i will still do it . i will sign up as saber-1 gunner but if not i will hold back
  5. Villmarsson.L

    Operation ARMA 3 | Campaign Jungle Fury | Operation Tempest Winds | 10FEB 2000z

    hey if u have time i would love to show some stuff with the two seater
  6. Villmarsson.L

    Operation ARMA 3 | Joint Clan Operation | Operation Dust-Off | 18FEB2024 @2200Z

    buff-1 but if we need 2 i can take buff-2