7th Cavalry Gaming

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  1. Rosefield.M

    Arma 3: Tactical Realism Feedback Thread - CLOSED

    No artillery pieces have the artillery computer, on Altis at least, not sure about the other maps
  2. Rosefield.M

    Arma 3: Tactical Realism Feedback Thread - CLOSED

    you can turn that off. Hold down U then hit space and uncheck the auto view distance for AO box about half way down
  3. Rosefield.M

    Arma 3: Tactical Realism Feedback Thread - CLOSED

    Atlas also spawning on the roof on lithium
  4. Rosefield.M

    clip broken, big sad

    clip broken, big sad
  5. Rosefield.M

    My cavcheck is a week late, do i speak to you or payroll?

    My cavcheck is a week late, do i speak to you or payroll?
  6. Rosefield.M

    Clear [Re-Enlistment] Mathiasen.Mads - ARMA 3

    Old milpacs: https://milpacs.treck.ninja/profile.php?uid=5971
  7. Rosefield.M

    83rd Infantry Division

    Larouche.Z Lombardi.M Terlizzi.A
  8. Rosefield.M


  9. Rosefield.M

    Arma 3: Liberation Tactical Realism 2 Feedback Thread - CLOSED

    Cherno 2020 running poorly: shots not registering at ~300 vics jumping at ~400 just overall poor FPS
  10. Rosefield.M


  11. Rosefield.M

    Mod Request: Task Force North for Arma 3 Tac 2 server

    Thank you for the request. We have visited this mod previously (our last mod pack iteration) and found it wanting. I doubt we will revisit it in the future, but I will send it up to our S3 guys as it seems it was recently updated. Thanks again. Whitsel.M
  12. Rosefield.M

    Arma 3: Liberation Tactical Realism 2 Feedback Thread - CLOSED

    Just gonna address this cause it seems to be a point of contention. Tac 1 and Tac 2 are always gonna be mainly for recruitment. Tac 2 obviously has more mods as an enticement for cav members to join, as tac 1 has less to have a lower barrier to entry, but at the end of the day those servers are...
  13. Rosefield.M


    all good. Discharge request canceled
  14. Rosefield.M

    AAR ARMA 3 | Campaign July Warfare Wednesday 2021 | Warfare Wednesday 100

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER-ACTION REPORT Element Callsign: SABER-1 Element Leader: Lieutenant Colonel Rosefield.M 7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element: Private Field.Q Pros: fun overall Cons: poor comms due to no acre, comm should...