7th Cavalry Gaming

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  1. Jupiter.J

    Operation ARMA 3 | Operation Final March | 18FEB2023 @2300Z

    I'll sign up for Misfit-2 unless M-2 actual wants it.
  2. Jupiter.J

    AAR Campaign Outcast | Operation Sleuth

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Element Callsign: MISFIT-4 Element Leader: First Sergeant Jupiter.J 7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element: Sergeant Phillips.B Corporal Lucander.P Specialist Gilman.A Specialist Rodahl.S...
  3. Jupiter.J

    Operation [ARMA 3] Campaign Outcast: Operation Sleuth [04FEB2023 @2000Z]

    Unfortunately I have to withdraw my sign up for leadership as I will be 30 minutes late to the OP.
  4. Jupiter.J

    AAR ARMA 3 | Campaign Outcast | Operation Bleeding Heart

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Element Callsign: Misfit-5 Element Leader: First Sergeant Jupiter.J Pro: I enjoyed the slow start to the OP and world building. Flow into the town was fun. Good out of the box thinking by...