7th Cavalry Gaming

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  1. Bloggins.R

    there is life outside the Cav? say it isn't so.....

    there is life outside the Cav? say it isn't so.....
  2. Bloggins.R

    yes, my entire life revolves around getting you in trouble.... ;)

    yes, my entire life revolves around getting you in trouble.... ;)
  3. Bloggins.R

    well, not with 7Cav mbrs in attendance...

    well, not with 7Cav mbrs in attendance...
  4. Bloggins.R

    you going to stream it so we all can enjoy it, and some popcorn?

    you going to stream it so we all can enjoy it, and some popcorn?
  5. Bloggins.R

    Operation A/1-7 FTX 13AUG23 2000Z

    i'll fill in where needed, jr call sign to Hog 1 or 2.
  6. Bloggins.R

    come to the dark side....

    come to the dark side....
  7. Bloggins.R

    well there goes my security clearance, back to flying for United air lines... again.

    well there goes my security clearance, back to flying for United air lines... again.
  8. Bloggins.R

    i'm buying some today so when I'm in the old folks home, I can relive my glory days here with...

    i'm buying some today so when I'm in the old folks home, I can relive my glory days here with the 7th... Cogito Ergo Zoom (I think therefore I go fast)
  9. Bloggins.R

    i'm in, just cuz its Hamm leading the charge...

    i'm in, just cuz its Hamm leading the charge...
  10. Bloggins.R

    so whats the qualification standard to be achieved, turn on the fuel after hitting the starters...

    so whats the qualification standard to be achieved, turn on the fuel after hitting the starters and actually spin the rotors??? Asking for a fiend. ;)
  11. Bloggins.R

    gotta say this made me laugh...

    gotta say this made me laugh...
  12. Bloggins.R

    love the rabbit in the middle of the beach...

    love the rabbit in the middle of the beach...
  13. Bloggins.R

    Operation ARMA 3 | June Warfare Wednesday | Every Wednesday @2200Z

    Surely there is a mod for blue face paint.. right? Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedommmmm!
  14. Bloggins.R

    gotta say D-day op was mega fun.... thanks op designers.

    gotta say D-day op was mega fun.... thanks op designers.
  15. Bloggins.R

    Operation [Public][WW2] Campaign Overlord 1944, Operation Neptune: H-Hour (2023) - 04JUN23 - 1900Z

    Dog 2-1 GAR gunner if now vacated by Spc Brian.F
  16. Bloggins.R

    its just too easy, must not take the shot... must go to bed and not mention your choice of...

    its just too easy, must not take the shot... must go to bed and not mention your choice of underwear....
  17. Bloggins.R

    hows the family resemblance?

    hows the family resemblance?
  18. Bloggins.R

    pretty sure it is as well.. but US Gov't

    pretty sure it is as well.. but US Gov't
  19. Bloggins.R

    Cav edition ray bans for the pilot types...

    Cav edition ray bans for the pilot types...
  20. Bloggins.R

    can I get your autograph before you become all famous and such? A young man who does not have...

    can I get your autograph before you become all famous and such? A young man who does not have what it takes to perform virtual military service in the 7th Cav is not likely to have what it takes to make a 9 line work