7th Cavalry Gaming

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  1. Ewing.R

    Operation [ARMA3][Operation] Operation Three Days in Zaros - 02APR22 - 1600Z

    I would like to attend as Atlas-1 Team Leader. SPC.Ewing.R, 3/1/B/1-7.
  2. Ewing.R

    Operation February Warfare Wednesday 2022 - Every Wednesday @2200Z

    I would like to attend as a member of Atlas-1 or 2. SPC.Ewing.R (Will let a public player have first choice if they want experience in said role.)
  3. Ewing.R

    Operation [ARMA3][Operation] Operation Peninsular Overture II - 05MAR22 - 1900Z

    I would like to attend as Atlas team member or Misfit-3 CLS if a billeted trooper wants Atlas slot.
  4. Ewing.R

    Operation [ARMA3][Special Event] Campaign Back Again - Operation A Million Standing Petals - 19FEB22 - 2100Z

    I would like to attend as any Atlas-1 or Atlas-2 slot that needs filling. SPC.Ewing.R
  5. Ewing.R

    Operation [ARMA3] Campaign Shapur Scenarios, Operation Jaws of Death 2022 - 05FEB22 1900Z

    I would like to attend as a member of Atlas-1, SPC.Ewing.R
  6. Ewing.R

    Operation [ARMA3][Operation] Campaign Mitag - Operation Outstretched Hands - 26FEB22 - 1900Z

    I would like to attend as a member of Atlas-2 Combat Medic.
  7. Ewing.R

    Operation [ARMA3][Public OP][WW2] Operation Ardennes Offensive 1944 - 15JAN22 2100Z

    Oh oops didn’t even notice that. Combat if available :)
  8. Ewing.R

    Operation [ARMA3][Public OP][WW2] Operation Ardennes Offensive 1944 - 15JAN22 2100Z

    I would like to attend as Combat Medic. Easy 1-7 😊
  9. Ewing.R

    Operation [ARMA 3][Special Event] Campaign Back Again - Operation Fallen Fruit - 07JAN22 - 2359Z

    I would like to attend as 1 of the flight medics if possible.
  10. Ewing.R

    Operation [Arma 3][Special Event] Campaign Back Again - Operation River Trolls - 10DEC21 - 2359Z

    I would like to attend as an Atlas element; but also love rockin’ with Gun-3. Put me where needed. See you all there rah!
  11. Ewing.R

    Operation [Arma 3][Operation] Campaign Shapur Scenarios - Operation Lab Rats - 04DEC21 - 1900Z

    I would like to attend as Bravo CLS, Bandit-1 Edit: 12/3; I can no longer make the OP due to last minute work presentation cause me to be out of town. Good luck bois!!!