7th Cavalry Gaming

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  • Hey Jarvis were you able to fill out that ELOA? Keep me posted!
    Hey, still here man. Sorry. I thought I requested till May sometime. My bad.
    I still want to keep some status if possible. Let me know what I can do. I have some crazy things still going on which take up my schedule, but I hope sometime in the next month to be able to devote regular time again. What do I need to do? Fill out another form?
    I was trying to keep up with things by watching my email. The reason I came on here to check my inbox was because I noticed that I haven't been getting many emails like I used to. :)

    I am great though, just still a crazy schedule that is still up in the air about getting ironed out.
    Damn brother, I have been reaching out for some time now, glad you are good though my man, I know things have been busy for you no doubt! I thought they had put you up for discharge. What is the best way to keep in touch with you, here or in Discord??
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