7th Cavalry Gaming

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  • Put in some serious hours offline reading about Ruder physics and anything related to helicopter flight today. Now that I am under the Alpha company. The more I acquaint myself with this subject the thicker the information gets! The reality of it really does get my nerves flowing! I really hope none of you end up in my cockpit :ROFLMAO: For all of y'alls sake, ima be reading some more about this tonight (y)
    I completed my debriefing and boot camp today! Officially met Specialist Phillips.B whom apart from being a great Drill instructor, showed me what the true spirit of the 7th Cav is like! And all that! So I could have the honor of being blown up in front of a digital camera! Was a good day.
    Was assigned my Drill Sergeant today! This recruitment process is going by quickly! Soon to expect further briefings to get me up to date for Bootcamp! Just a matter of time before I'm on the field!
    Looks like I've been officially recruited! Glad to be involved! Now all left to do is wait to meet my Drill Sergeant, and fellow Bootcamp brothers!
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    Reactions: Abate.L
    Welcome to the Cav! It's great to have you! Looking forward to meeting you in Operations!
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