7th Cavalry Gaming

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Recent content by Molyneux.E

  1. Molyneux.E

    Welcome to the Cav! Great to have you!

    Welcome to the Cav! Great to have you!
  2. Molyneux.E

    Re-Enlistment Posted S2 [RESERVES] - Molyneux.Eb

    Username: Molyneux.E Name Molyneux.Eb Recruiter(s) Burton.P, Phoenix.G, Corveaux.A, Gerrish.T Age 23 Time zone: (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Discord Account OnyxMule#1970 Military experience No Selected Roster: Reserves Platform and Game RESERVES...
  3. Molyneux.E

    Figured I'd write a proper farewell for once. Thanks for having me...

    Figured I'd write a proper farewell for once. Thanks for having me. https://7cav.us/threads/3663/#post-19433
  4. Molyneux.E

    A Proper Farewell and a Thank You

    Hello again brothers and sisters of the Yellow and Black. Honestly, I have no idea if I ever made a lasting impression on anybody who is still here. If I did, it was probably mixed positivity and negativity. I have discharged twice (so far) but I've never given a proper farewell, so I thought...
  5. Molyneux.E

    EA no longer has Star Wars video game exclusive rights

    Guess we're going to get an Assassin's Creed/Watch Dogs/The Division/Ghost Recon build set in and customized for Star Wars. Or are Ubisoft actually going to make a new game from scratch for once?