Troopers Will Learn:
- Driver Fundamentals
- Terrain and Obstacle Traversal
- Asset Capabilities and Handling
- Defensive Actions
- Engagement with the Bow MG
Student Prerequisites:
- Completion of Basic Armor Crewman's Course
- Prerequisite may be waived by recommendation from trooper's SL/PL and trooper holds appropriate Armor Crewman billet. Please reach out to MAJ.Strider.R with any questions.
- No active negative action
- Pen and paper
- Hell Let Loose installed and working prior to class start time
- Minimum of 2 students
- Maximum of 10 students, 2 per instructor
- If you sign up for a class and are unable to attend, please reply in this post letting us know ahead of time so we can give someone else your slot
- Consult the 7Cav Events Calendar for guidance
Class Lead | ||||||
Guillermo.C | ||||||
Assistant Instructors / Tank Commanders | ||||||
Name | CPL.Leifried.R | TC | TC | TC | TC | TC |
Students | ||||||
A | CPL.Dallas.E | PVT.Hawthorne.S | SPC.Watters.W | Student A | Student A | Student A |
B | PFC.Von Busch.M | PFC.Lahti.R | Student B | Student B | Student B | Student B |
Example: I would like to attend, PVT.John.D, B/1/A/2-7