7th Cavalry Gaming

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Thank you 7 Cav, but I must go.

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1:29 PM
For personal reasons I must discharge from this Brotherhood of the 7th Cavalry. I absolutely love what we have here and it pains me to no end to have to leave. But I must and I will tell you why because I believe, as friends and brothers, you have the right to know.

These are my own personal convictions. DO NOT take this to mean that any of you are in the wrong. We are all called to walk according to what is right for each of us.

I must start this with a few statements from our General Orders and Code of Conduct.

General Order Six pertaining to discussion states that: I will refrain from engaging in discussion or debate of political, religious or other similarly volatile subject matters in any 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment owned medium (game servers, forums, Discord, Teamspeak, etc.).

For this reason this thread will not be open for replies due to the fact that my motivation for leaving the Cav revolves around my direct relationship with my Savior Jesus Christ. If you do wish to talk and discuss with me please DM me on Discord (lordverdauga). I am more than happy to talk more individually.

Article I - Rectitude. Simply put, all members of the Unit are expected to do the right thing or make the right decision, not because it ís easy, but because it ís ethically and morally correct regardless of the outcome or result.

I want to stay in the Cav, but it would be wrong for me to do so. I value the brothers and friends I have made here, I still hope to meet many of you one day! I treasure the stories and memories and accomplishments we have made along the way (some of those involve driving trucks into ditches, or fully loaded halftracks into landmines). But this mindset for me directly conflicts with what Jesus Christ has said in Matthew Chapter 6:

19 "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; 21 for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
24 "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth."

My value for the Cav is way too high to allow me to value my God correctly. It has therefore entered the realm of idolatry and must be removed from my life.

Article II - Respect. Members of the Unit show respect by speaking and acting with courtesy. We treat our fellow members, guest to our servers and members of other units (allies or neutral) with dignity and honor. Respect yourself and others will respect you.

As fellow brothers and friends I feel like I have developed relationships and commitments to many of you. (some of you have been with me since the very beginning, inspiring me to be a leader, or even being my partner in leadership since the start) In my role as 1/B/2-7 Platoon Sergeant I have many duties that are crucial to the ongoing success that has been demonstrated by our troopers. Ask my staff, they will tell you so. Therefore, to treat you with dignity and respect, I do not want to quit the Cav cold turkey without letting you know why.

Article III - Honor. Members of the Unit will walk the path that ensures the preservation of self respect and self esteem over and above personal gain, well being, or convenience.

This is my attempt to be honest with you all; honorable in this encounter, clear with my intentions and actions with all you, my friends and my brothers in arms. As a Christian, a follower of Jesus, I cannot honor Him if I am devoting myself to anything else. I am proud to say that I have behaved well in my time with the Cav. Many people are aware of my convictions and have respected those. Thank you very much. (It makes me laugh when you curb your language around me, or call me a sweet summer child)

Article IV - Loyalty. Members of the Unit exhibit a clear and non-negotiable commitment to both the Unit and the other members.

This one is big for me. I believe I have demonstrated clear commitment to the Cav. With my efforts in developing extremely strong relationships that I wish to continue further into life. With my pouring of self into raising new leaders who have demonstrated themselves to be of highest quality. (Very proud of you my SLs) To help foster a community of camaraderie that has encouraged many a Cav member. (Including those of you not within my direct chain of authority) I have done this because I love the Cav and the people who are in it.
But this loyalty must not conflict with my devotion to the One who has died for me and saved me from my sins and an eternity of righteous wrath. Jesus has died for me, so I am trying to live for Him in the new life He has given me. It's the least I could do.
This motivation of living for Jesus is in fact the reason I value you all so much. I want to treat you like human beings, people with real lives with real joys and real problems. I wanted to create a place where we could get away from the cares of life and just relish in the good gifts that God has given all of us. The gifts of friendship, love, storytelling, creativity, humor, and genuine care and concern for others. I love this good life that God has given me, and I want others to share in it!
In Mark 12 Jesus gives the two greatest commandments, and I believe the 2nd one explains my behavior towards you all. You are my neighbors in life.


Article V - Courage. Members of the Unit display courage, not just on the battlefield, but courage to gather the strength of character to walk the righteous path.

As for courage, this is one of the hardest things I have done in a while. I cannot tell you how hot and heavy the tears are that I have shed over this. (It will be less convenient to keep up with you all) I love and value our community here so much. But I must give it up in sacrifice for living a life that is right before my God and Savior. He calls me to pursue Him with all my being. The Cav is a major distraction. He calls me to devote myself to my church, my family, my work. And the Cav is taking time away from those things. So walking away is the right thing for me to do, even if it is hard.
God says in James chapter 4 that He desires my whole heart and devotion, there is no room to share with anyone or anything that would strive against Him.

4 [Unfaithful people]! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. 5 Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, "The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously"?
6 But He gives more grace. Therefore He says:
"God resists the proud,
But gives grace to the humble."
7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

I pray that my time here in the Cav has been a blessing to many of you and that I may continue to share life with you. John chapter 3 and 1st John chapter 4 talk about how God loves us so much that Jesus came to die for our sins, and now lives that we might have life too. And because of that love we are able to love one another well. I truly do love you all and wish that many of you can find Jesus as you look for meaning, purpose and fulfillment in life.

With all the love and respect I can muster. Thank you for this community, it is truly an amazing place with amazing people. I'd love to come back at a better time.

Wesley G (Travis)
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