7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

A Southside Update


Local time
2:25 PM
Well, well, here we are again. In November 2023 I had my 7th ventricular shunt revision surgery. The surgery had me unconscious for 4 days. At 57 years of age now, it gets tougher, not easier. Oh well.

So anyway, this past January marked 15 years since my initial enlistment back in 2009. Man, so much happened from 2009 onward... A lot of good, and you have to be able to take some bad with the good at times in life. We've had our fair share of both. I'm mostly thankful for the amazing people I have met here in the Cav. Many of you I've known for a while now and I'm very grateful for this place and it's people and leaders.

On a side note, I passed my 3 year kidney transplant anniversary in March. The new kidney is doing really well. It's amazing how much better I'm doing finally getting a new kidney after 48 years.

Man, I have so many fond memories from this place. Working with guys like Krazee, ColdBlud, Chance, Osok, Kastor, Vela, and etc. and etc. Good people through and through tbh.

So anyway, I just wanted to drop by and check in on you all. I never though joining a gaming clan would give me the kind of brothers and assistance I've had over the years. I treasure my time that I spent here and miss it like crazy.

Well, I continue to move forward one step at a time. Overall, things are going pretty darn well. I'm pleased with that. So to you guys in this great Yellow and Black establishment, thank y'all more than you know. Take it easy out there.


Southside Out


Active Duty
RRD Staff
Local time
8:25 PM
Good to see ya still kicking about brother. As always we are holding down the fort.


Local time
1:25 PM
Love hearing these stories about the folks in the Cav. It is a wonderful brotherhood that has been fostered.
Hope you continue putting one foot in front of the other! Keep on keeping on!