- Local time
- 9:55 PM
- 99
- 53
7th Cavalry Regiment
Name of Combat Mission: Operation Rook 2/4S3 BATTLE STAFF
7th Cavalry Regiment
Number within Campaign: 2/4
Game: Hell Let Loose Console
Server Hosted on: Public Matchmaking Servers
Date of Combat Mission: 12MAY24
Time of Combat Mission (Zulu):1900
Mission OIC: Corporal Brambo.J
Mission Controller: Corporal Brambo.J
Number of Attendees: 24
7th Cavalry Personnel Involved in Action:
Major Haliday.J
Second Lieutenant Gowen.N
Staff Sergeant West.R
Sergeant Brophy.C
Sergeant Tyszka.C
Corporal Brambo.J
Corporal Bull.T
Corporal Collins.V
Corporal Fields.I
Corporal Lee.JS
Corporal Libert.P
Corporal Taylor.BT
Specialist Buster.J
Specialist Nasser.O
Private First Class Burke.B
Private First Class Cain.J
Private First Class Johnson.BO
Private First Class Koener.K
Private First Class Robinson.S
Private First Class Steel.R
Private First Class Twigg.D
Private Church.M
Private Riesenbeck.C
Private Watts.H
Game One: (Win)
Location: Driel
Mission type: Defense
Forces: Allies (British)
- Hotwash Reponses - PRO
Went well, enjoyed the match despite being rough
Be became more cohesive. It Improved during the game
Enjoyed playing recon. We did really well hunting down garrisons
Second recon could be better
Most of the negatives were said. A lot of TKíng
Armor and infantry went really well.
Brilliant switching roles
Fun game, communication was great
Op was fenominal. Command chat was great! Good comms
All garrisons where on point
A lot of defenses and nodes where build.
Good game, good job to everybody. Good op's
Tough match. Even tough we started off stronger
Good callouts
Command comms where on point. Accurate pings on the map.
Great defenses building on all points. Suberb
Even tough we were only 3 man strong we did well and defended strong.
It looked beak at a moment but we held our ground
a lot of fun. Although tanks getting stolen wasn't that great.
Good game. Moving around a lot with the tank.
Comms where on point. Towards the end the directions where very well. We where babysitting 3 tanks. It was brilliant. We showed them!!
They broke trough our lines a couple of times but we held our ground in the end
Good OP. good support on the tanks.
Really good comms and a lot of fun.
Emotional roller coaster because of the hard battle that is was.
Clear comms!
Great game. Good communications. Great callouts for the tanks. Enjoyed the push/pull. It was a hard battle but a sweet win.
Overall cohesion was really wel. Additional recon would be nice.
Great time, real fun game.
Great game, had a blast. We did what we had to do. Building garrisons and nodes. Great comms.
Very good OP. We worked as a team.
Absolutely great OP. thanks to the guys for repairing and getting targets to hit. Comms where on point.
Great OP, other than the stuff we can't control. Great comms. We locked in in the end and pushed them off the last point.
- Hotwash Reponses - CONS
TKíng on arty
British weapons suck
Support on the flanks could be better
When you get pinched when defending. Put a garrison up when you are there and the garrisons where down.
British maps are terrible. Weapons 2.
We could improve a bit more on defense. If it where more organized. We could have won earlier on the first defensive line.
Dealing Death
Special note for B/ACD Troopers!
Please review the attendance list, if you were in attendance and do not see yourself on this list.
please reach out to the Mission Controller Major Haliday.J ASAP!
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