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Computer question for DCS World


Local time
5:40 AM
Apologies if this isn't the correct forum. I have been looking at computers to get started playing DCS and recommendations and prices are all over the place. Prices range from less than 1K to nearly 5K. Wow! I'm hoping some of you that actually play the game can offer some input/suggestions. How much computer is needed to have good game play?
Thanks and if this isn't the correct forum let me know where.


Lieutenant Colonel
Active Duty
1-7 HQ
S7 Staff
Local time
5:40 AM
Apologies if this isn't the correct forum. I have been looking at computers to get started playing DCS and recommendations and prices are all over the place. Prices range from less than 1K to nearly 5K. Wow! I'm hoping some of you that actually play the game can offer some input/suggestions. How much computer is needed to have good game play?
Thanks and if this isn't the correct forum let me know where.
When I first joined the Cav in July 2022 and played ArmA3 and DCS, I was doing it from an Acer Nitro V gaming laptop that came with 8GB RAM and a 1650ti graphics card imbedded. I bought the laptop in August 2021 for a bit under $800 USD and then I spent almost $200 putting a second SSD in since it only came with 256GB (only! My first computer that had a hard drive was a Tandy 1000 in 1984 with 10 whole megabytes.)

I also hooked it up via HDMI to a 32" gaming monitor and a wireless mouse/keyboard/ as well as my TrackIR and my Logitech HOTAS. Had to get a USC C hub for all the peripherals but it worked. And the games played well on with high detail settings. Nothing like what I run on my current desktop monstrosity, but still very good for the hardware it was running on.


2nd Lieutenant
Local time
5:40 AM
To play Multi-player in DCS I would recommend 32 gig ram minimum. You should be okay with a relatively modern processor and 3070+ video card . SSD is also pretty essential.


Sergeant Major
Local time
4:40 AM
Apologies if this isn't the correct forum. I have been looking at computers to get started playing DCS and recommendations and prices are all over the place. Prices range from less than 1K to nearly 5K. Wow! I'm hoping some of you that actually play the game can offer some input/suggestions. How much computer is needed to have good game play?
Thanks and if this isn't the correct forum let me know where.
If high graphics detail isnt a top priority right off the bat you can definitely get by with a lower end PC setup and upgrade it over time. I started with GTX 1060 12GB and i7-7700k with 16GB of RAM and the game ran fine albeit not the prettiest. Also if you know you're gonna commit I would recommend looking into getting a solid starter HOTAS system like the Logitech X56 or Thrustmaster T16000M and headtracking like Trackir. If it turns out DCS is not your thing you can always sell them and make some money back.