7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

Kicked by Admin, 1/14/2021 Omaha Beach

Local time
6:56 AM
Would you guys temporarily STOP kicking for being an officer without a mic? There is a known bug that kills coms with no warning and no way to fix it in game.

I do not want to shut the game down just to fix the problem as it can just strike again and I'll likely loose my place on the server.

As for solo tanking, please stop kicking for that too. If the squad is not locked then I am not responsible for begging someone to get into the tank with me. Solo tanking is feasible to do well and again, I can't make someone join me in it.


Active Duty
Regimental Aide
Regimental HQ
Local time
6:56 AM


Regimental Adjutant General
Brigadier General
Active Duty
Regimental HQ
Local time
7:56 AM
Will confirm VOIP issues, as recently as today the are Devs are addressing it.
Dev Brief 110 - Barbed Wire Rework & VOIP Info!

Hey @everyone

In this week's Dev Brief we're sharing with you a first look at the upcoming Barbed Wire rework that's dropping in Update 9!

We're also taking a moment to address the reported issues with VOIP and confirming a new weapon that we teased last week...


Local time
7:56 AM
Hi @arcdragon thanks for reaching out.

I understand your frustration with the kicks if the VOIP system is crashing, I will speak to our admins and see if we can be a little more lenient when it comes to SLs who have their mics die mid game, as it's not your fault if the game has a bug. Although I would ask that if you find your mic becoming glitched that after the round ends that you reboot your game and rejoin the server (if that's what fixes it for you) if you intend to be a officer again in the next round.

In regards to the solo tanking we like to encourage teamwork and realism on our servers and part of that is that assets like tanks should be crewed by more then person. If you create a tanker section and nobody joins then I am going to say you need to stay at spawn and wait for someone to join your section. We are not looking to make any changes to this rule.