- Local time
- 11:31 AM
- 69
- 47
Username: Dixon.M
Recruiter(s) N/A
Age 21
Time zone: (UTC+00:00) Coordinated Universal Time
Discord Account Dix#3949
Military experience No
Are you requesting to return to Active Duty or The Reserves? Selected Roster: Active Duty
What section are you interested in coming back to? Use the unit nomenclature or Squad Leader's name 2/B/C/D - Any console unit within the British timezone.
Platform and Game Xbox - Hell Let Loose
XBOX GamerTag CT3889Moses
Honorable Discharge
If your Milpac is not linked to your forum account, submit the URL to your old Milpac N/A
Accepted General Orders and Policy?
Recruiter(s) N/A
Age 21
Time zone: (UTC+00:00) Coordinated Universal Time
Discord Account Dix#3949
Military experience No
Are you requesting to return to Active Duty or The Reserves? Selected Roster: Active Duty
What section are you interested in coming back to? Use the unit nomenclature or Squad Leader's name 2/B/C/D - Any console unit within the British timezone.
Platform and Game Xbox - Hell Let Loose
XBOX GamerTag CT3889Moses
Honorable Discharge
If your Milpac is not linked to your forum account, submit the URL to your old Milpac N/A
Accepted General Orders and Policy?