7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

Announcement The IASP HLL Charity Tournament is finally here!


Hello there member or visitor!

After a long wait and a lot of hard work, the 7th Cavalry Gaming community is finally putting the IASP HLL Charity Tournament into motion during the month of April. For those of you who don’t know, this event is focused on raising money for the International Association for Suicide Prevention. A great organization that works to address a tragic problem that has too often afflicted our Community. With this endeavor we hope to raise awareness within the HLL community, and to help people struggling with suicidal thoughts and those who live in the aftermath of a suicide.

In this great project we have the honour of being joined by communities such as HLL Tango, The Art of Warfare (TAW), HLL Poland, BDSQ, KRT, DKB, Big Red One, The Line, Never Play Alone (NPA) and the 107th Infantry Regiment. Hundreds of members from all around the world will join up in some of the most intense and fun gameplay with the sole purpose of helping those that are suffering this terrible problem in our society.

This is a chance to help your community and to do some good in the world. Lets work together to make this happen!

The IASP HLL Charity Tournament Team
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