7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

Glad to see this still prospering

Local time
5:49 AM
I've posted before about how I was a member over 10 years ago i think like 2 years ago, from the 2007/08/09 ERA. 29 now, was 14-15 then.
Plumbly was Gen, Krazee was still with us, it was a terrific time of my realistic, hardcore gaming life. Mostly COD:UO( rifles only with AWE MOD) / Americas Army/COD2/COD4. Still have a close gaming friend till this day from this clan.
Sheesh i have a old XFIRE screenshot still for proof. ( most wont know what that was I'm sure ).
Checking milpacs " Chance " is the only name i recognize possibly.
I would love to see how far this clan has came since then and find a spot for myself if yall would have me.
Will fill the applications and go about the full process from the bottom of course.
Alias's where " Combos/Hihim1/Own3d " Held ranks as 1st.Sgt and 1st LT. Made forum signatures, made some of the older pics for medals and such.

Appreciate yalls time. Good Luck, God Bless, and thank you to the active military or vets here. Was never enlisted myself but this clan showed me a appreciation of comradery amongst military at a young age which has stuck with me.

---PHPNuke, Xfire, Gameservers, game tracker. Tags for nostalgia LOL


Aide to the SecOps
Lieutenant Colonel
Active Duty
Regimental Aide
SecOps HQ
Local time
5:49 AM
Welcome back! It's always good to see members return, especially after long periods of time. We have quite a few members here from 2010+ timeframe so there may be some other names you recognize. Xfire is definitely a throwback, I'm surprised you didn't mention Gamespy also ;)

S1/ROO should be able to get you hooked up with your old milpac depending on if they can figure out your exact name, once you re-enlist someone will reach out!
Local time
5:49 AM
Glad to just see this still here. 2010+ is just before my time. Gazed the roster pretty well. If a Officer could private msg me that would be great!


Active Duty
1/B/1-7 SL/ASL
RRD Staff
S7 Staff
Local time
11:49 AM
I've posted before about how I was a member over 10 years ago i think like 2 years ago, from the 2007/08/09 ERA. 29 now, was 14-15 then.
Plumbly was Gen, Krazee was still with us, it was a terrific time of my realistic, hardcore gaming life. Mostly COD:UO( rifles only with AWE MOD) / Americas Army/COD2/COD4. Still have a close gaming friend till this day from this clan.
Sheesh i have a old XFIRE screenshot still for proof. ( most wont know what that was I'm sure ).
Checking milpacs " Chance " is the only name i recognize possibly.
I would love to see how far this clan has came since then and find a spot for myself if yall would have me.
Will fill the applications and go about the full process from the bottom of course.
Alias's where " Combos/Hihim1/Own3d " Held ranks as 1st.Sgt and 1st LT. Made forum signatures, made some of the older pics for medals and such.

Appreciate yalls time. Good Luck, God Bless, and thank you to the active military or vets here. Was never enlisted myself but this clan showed me a appreciation of comradery amongst military at a young age which has stuck with me.

---PHPNuke, Xfire, Gameservers, game tracker. Tags for nostalgia LOL

Hey there! I'm not an officer but with s1 milpacs department. We have an archive for our old Milpacs, I'll reach out to you in DMs. Maybe we can find our old one :)


2nd Lieutenant
Active Duty
1/B/1-7 HQ
Local time
10:49 AM
Welcome back Brother. I myself are from the days of 2012. You will still find a few from the 2011 days though some may of changed names when the name policy came into effect I think in 2010/2011 I believe.
Local time
5:49 AM
Appreciate the welcome! I was gone by 2008/09 MINIMUM at least. Wish i could access my photobucket to show my old signitures and medals ive edited but its a old password and email. haha


Local time
5:49 AM
Howdy mike, I was here in 2009 with Plumbly, Unix and Krazee myself. Feels like a lifetime ago :)


Active Duty
2/E/2-7 SL/ASL
S1 Staff
Local time
5:49 AM
I've posted before about how I was a member over 10 years ago i think like 2 years ago, from the 2007/08/09 ERA. 29 now, was 14-15 then.
Plumbly was Gen, Krazee was still with us, it was a terrific time of my realistic, hardcore gaming life. Mostly COD:UO( rifles only with AWE MOD) / Americas Army/COD2/COD4. Still have a close gaming friend till this day from this clan.
Sheesh i have a old XFIRE screenshot still for proof. ( most wont know what that was I'm sure ).
Checking milpacs " Chance " is the only name i recognize possibly.
I would love to see how far this clan has came since then and find a spot for myself if yall would have me.
Will fill the applications and go about the full process from the bottom of course.
Alias's where " Combos/Hihim1/Own3d " Held ranks as 1st.Sgt and 1st LT. Made forum signatures, made some of the older pics for medals and such.

Appreciate yalls time. Good Luck, God Bless, and thank you to the active military or vets here. Was never enlisted myself but this clan showed me a appreciation of comradery amongst military at a young age which has stuck with me.

---PHPNuke, Xfire, Gameservers, game tracker. Tags for nostalgia LOL
sorry to bring up a 3 months old thread, but the 7cav was on COD:UO?! I played that game from 2003 to 2009 on a daily basis with the {ISS} clan ''back in the days'' lol