7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

  • Guest, the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment is currently not accepting Enlistments/Re-Enlistments until after our Furlough (winter break). Enlistments/Re-Enlistments will reopen when we return from Furlough on January 4th, 2025. Please click this link to join our Discord server to stay up to date and keep in contact with us!

Announcement New Modpack Update Happening on 11AUG2023


New Modpack Dropping to ALL SERVERS 11AUG2023.

New modpack Dropping to ALL SERVERS 11AUG2023. This modpack will be a singular modpack to download that can be used for both our public and private servers. The following modpack will remove and include;

Equipment: 3CB Equipment (To make space for other mods/equipment/assets)
MAP: Lingor/Dingor Island
MAP: N'ziwasogo V2 APEX
MAP: G.O.S Gunkizli
MAP: G.O.S. N'ziwasogo v2 APEX
MAP: G.O.S Kalu Khan
MAP: Lingor/Dingor Island
MAP: Mull of Kintyre
MAP: Deniland
MAP: Beketov
MAP: Khoramshahr (Beta)
MAP: Al-Fallujah v 1.3 [Rebuild + Interiors]
MAP: Scottish Highlands
MAP: Niakala
MAP: Tembelan Island

Radio/VOIP: Task Force Arrowhead Radio Beta
Faction/Equipment: RCAS SLA
MAP: Saint Kapaulio
MAP: kingdom of Regaro
MAP: Šumava

"RHS AIO Mod Pack Sound Support" is Replacing:
JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS AFRF Mod Pack Sound Support
JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS GREF Mod Pack Sound Support
JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS USAF Mod Pack Sound Support

Total mods:
40 (51 Mods Before) (edited)

The following YouTube Video brought to you by Zaren.T and our S5 department will help show off the new modpack and what we have instore for the future of the 7th Cavalry Gaming Regiment!

First Lieutenant Beiter
S3 Arma 3 Operations Lead

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