- Local time
- 10:52 PM
- 369
- 302
Name of Combat Mission: Operation Sunday Night Slaughter 13Feb22
Game: Battlefield 2042
Server Hosted on: -7Cav- Tactical Realism
Date of Combat Mission: 13Feb22
Time of Combat Mission (Zulu): 2359z (1859) (1400)
Mission OIC: Corporal Keif.A
Mission Controller: Corporal Keif.A
Number of Attendees: 1
7th Cavalry Personnel Involved in Action:
Corporal Keif.A
If you do not see your name on this roster but attended the Operation, please contact Mission Controller Corproal Keif.A
Game: Battlefield 2042
Server Hosted on: -7Cav- Tactical Realism
Date of Combat Mission: 13Feb22
Time of Combat Mission (Zulu): 2359z (1859) (1400)
Mission OIC: Corporal Keif.A
Mission Controller: Corporal Keif.A
Number of Attendees: 1
7th Cavalry Personnel Involved in Action:
Corporal Keif.A
If you do not see your name on this roster but attended the Operation, please contact Mission Controller Corproal Keif.A