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- 5:49 AM
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Username: Profenno.L
Last Name Testing
First Name Test
Do you agree to the naming terms at the top of this page? Yes
Are you re-enlisting? Yes
Who/What recruited you? A 7th Cavalry member
Which member(s) recruited you? Huber
Age (18+ Requirement) 13
Your Time Zone GMT+04:00
Steam Accounts Format is: steam_0:X:XXXXXX (number of digits will vary). If you have multiple accounts, please list them all.
How active can you be? 72+ Hours
Please read our Code of Conduct and General Orders. All of these can be found under "References" within the "Resources" tab in the navbar. Yes
For which game are you applying? ARMA 3
Please select desired mos(s): 68W - Corpsman, 19K - Armor Crew Member, 15P - Aviation Operations Specialist, 11C - Combat Engineer
Are you currently in a clan? No
Past Clan Information None I dont know why this is here when I clicked no kinda weirdchamp if you ask me
Do you have any military experience? No
Can you follow orders? Yes
Last Name Testing
First Name Test
Do you agree to the naming terms at the top of this page? Yes
Are you re-enlisting? Yes
Who/What recruited you? A 7th Cavalry member
Which member(s) recruited you? Huber
Age (18+ Requirement) 13
Your Time Zone GMT+04:00
Steam Accounts Format is: steam_0:X:XXXXXX (number of digits will vary). If you have multiple accounts, please list them all.
How active can you be? 72+ Hours
Please read our Code of Conduct and General Orders. All of these can be found under "References" within the "Resources" tab in the navbar. Yes
For which game are you applying? ARMA 3
Please select desired mos(s): 68W - Corpsman, 19K - Armor Crew Member, 15P - Aviation Operations Specialist, 11C - Combat Engineer
Are you currently in a clan? No
Past Clan Information None I dont know why this is here when I clicked no kinda weirdchamp if you ask me
Do you have any military experience? No
Can you follow orders? Yes