7th Cavalry Gaming

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  1. Kastor.K

    Operation ARMA 3 | Operation Trail Blazer | 24 Hours of Vietnam | 27APR2024 - 28APR2024 1600z-1600z

    Correction to my availability as CHAOS: I will be there for BEACHHEAD (Phase One) until 2000z I will have to skip ESTABLISH OUTER PERIMETERS (Phase Two) entirely I will return for middle-ish of ADVANCE ON OBJECTIVES (Phase Three), about 0600-0700z I expect to remain on throughout MAJOR CITIES...
  2. Kastor.K

    Operation ARMA 3 | April Warfare Wednesday 2024 | Every Wednesday @2200Z (6pm EST)

    CHAOS, Week 3 please. Fox.R let's go :>
  3. Kastor.K

    Operation ARMA 3 | Campaign Crisis Response | Operation Achille's Heel | 24MAR 1900z

    Heads-up - please gather for Op Briefing in Briefing 2 channel on TS. Briefing 1 is used by people doing SP in Training Server 3, they are popping in and out. In Briefing 2 we can avoid the confusion :)
  4. Kastor.K

    Operation ARMA 3 | Campaign Resolute Bulwark | Operation Lesser Banners | 23MAR24 @1900z

    S3 CLARIFICATION per info from Captain Beiter.A The event header was incorrect, fixed now. Thread and OPORD start time is correct - 1900Z.
  5. Kastor.K

    Operation ARMA 3 | Campaign Crisis Response | Operation Achille's Heel | 24MAR 1900z

    Driver/Gunner, Sierra-4 (or Grenadier VIKING-4 if available)
  6. Kastor.K

    Operation ARMA 3 | Operation Amazonian Resolve | 30MAR2024 @1900z (3 PM EST)

    M240 trigger boy in BANDIT-4 please :)
  7. Kastor.K

    Operation REFORGER | Operation Into the Breach | 06APR 1900z

    I'd like to ROMAD for -6 or -5, as needed.
  8. Kastor.K

    Operation REFORGER | Operation Into the Breach | 06APR 1900z

    Yes! Do we know anything about slots yet? :>
  9. Kastor.K

    Operation ARMA 3 | Operation Trail Blazer | 24 Hours of Vietnam | 27APR2024 - 28APR2024 1600z-1600z

    Now that we have phases known - I'd like to nab CHAOS-1 during Major Cities, as well, please
  10. Kastor.K

    Operation ARMA 3 | Operation Trail Blazer | 24 Hours of Vietnam | 27APR2024 - 28APR2024 1600z-1600z

    Much love, but I will want to bump you mate from CHAOS-1, at least for the first few mission slots :) If we turn out to have more than two flights at the same time, we will share and CHAOS-2 is yours!