7th Cavalry Gaming

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  1. Keiler.C

    Operation Aegis Arising Redux Tuesday 10 OCT 23 0100 ZULU

    Jedi or weasel
  2. Keiler.C

    Operation Roundhouse Tuesday 26 SEPT 23 0100 ZULU

    Jedi can lead if needed
  3. Keiler.C

    DCS | Saturday Night Strike | Campaign Broken Arrow - Operation Lightning @0100Z

    Jedi or Panther can lead in needed
  4. Keiler.C

    Operation Sand Storm Tuesday 19 SEPT 23 0100 ZULU

    F16 can lead if needed
  5. Keiler.C


    Chevy or Pontiac
  6. Keiler.C

    DCS | Saturday Night Strike | Campaign The Tzar Rises - Operation Poking The Bear

    whichever f16 flight you need more
  7. Keiler.C

    DCS | Saturday Night Strike | Campaign Ivory Pattern | Operation Aegis Arising

    SPC Keiler.C any F16 flight
  8. Keiler.C

    DCS | Saturday Night Strike | Campaign Fallen Angel | Operation Mammons greed

    Put me down for any F-16 flight and I can lead if needed
  9. Keiler.C

    Enlistment Approved [PC - DCS World] - Keiler.Corv

    Username: Corv Name Keiler.Corv Recruiter(s) Walker.T Age 23 Time zone: (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US and Canada) Discord Account corvious#1205 Where did you find us? Discord Military experience No Platform and Game Selection PC - DCS World SteamID/XboxTag/PSN ID...