7th Cavalry Gaming

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  1. Perry.D

    S1 was an inside job. Change my mind.

    S1 was an inside job. Change my mind.
  2. Perry.D

    Say goodbye to your soul and say hello to your vanity Hollywood is your friend, and the Undead...

    Say goodbye to your soul and say hello to your vanity Hollywood is your friend, and the Undead are your family We'll take you to the edge and turn your regret into agony And I'll never let you go 'cause I know you'll come back to me I'm the reason you came here, I'm the American Tragedy...
  3. Perry.D

    "If you don't have the balls to talk to someone directly about an issue, you probably shouldn't...

    "If you don't have the balls to talk to someone directly about an issue, you probably shouldn't be making decisions." -Excerpt from my book titled: "Don't make shit harder for people who ACTUALLY help."
  4. Perry.D

    How many NCOs does it take to change a light bulb?

    How many NCOs does it take to change a light bulb?
  5. Perry.D

    I'm not AWOL, just on Furlough. Forever. You could say I'm on Forev-lough. HAHAHA. I'll see...

    I'm not AWOL, just on Furlough. Forever. You could say I'm on Forev-lough. HAHAHA. I'll see myself out.
  6. Perry.D

    Sutodoreh.W The Perry has existed for millennia and will exist for eons more, consuming all that...

    Sutodoreh.W The Perry has existed for millennia and will exist for eons more, consuming all that was and ever will be. Ever since I ran out of the one pill they have been giving me, I have seen the Legion of Perry in all its Perryness.
  7. Perry.D

    Perry Squad is a go. Members include: Perry Actual (Yes, Actually Perry) I Can't Believe It's...

    Perry Squad is a go. Members include: Perry Actual (Yes, Actually Perry) I Can't Believe It's Not Perry (Not Actually Perry) Perry-Lite (Also Not Actually Perry) Dances With Perry (No, Actually Not Native American Or Perry)