7th Cavalry Gaming

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  1. Perry.D

    Sutodoreh.W The Perry has existed for millennia and will exist for eons more, consuming all that...

    Sutodoreh.W The Perry has existed for millennia and will exist for eons more, consuming all that was and ever will be. Ever since I ran out of the one pill they have been giving me, I have seen the Legion of Perry in all its Perryness.
  2. Perry.D

    Perry Squad is a go. Members include: Perry Actual (Yes, Actually Perry) I Can't Believe It's...

    Perry Squad is a go. Members include: Perry Actual (Yes, Actually Perry) I Can't Believe It's Not Perry (Not Actually Perry) Perry-Lite (Also Not Actually Perry) Dances With Perry (No, Actually Not Native American Or Perry)
  3. Perry.D


  4. Perry.D

    You have no idea how helpful this is.

    You have no idea how helpful this is.
  5. Perry.D

    How much lasagna can a bathtub hold?

    How much lasagna can a bathtub hold?