7th Cavalry Gaming

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  1. Morozov.A

    Operation [ARMA3][Public OP][WW2] Operation Ardennes Offensive 1944 - 15JAN22 2100Z

    I would like to attend as First Platoon RTO.
  2. Morozov.A

    Posted Re-Enlistment [PC - Foxhole] - Morozov.Artyom

    Oops, messed up the time. It's -7 General Mountain Time.
  3. Morozov.A

    Posted Re-Enlistment [PC - Foxhole] - Morozov.Artyom

    Username: Artyom Morozov Name Morozov.Artyom Recruiter(s) Raeder Age 29 Time zone: (UTC+00:00) Coordinated Universal Time Discord Account Sgt_Artyom#9343 Military experience No PC - Foxhole SteamID/XboxTag/PSN ID 76561198011547277 Active in Another Clan/Unit? No...