7th Cavalry Gaming

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Search results

  1. Phillips.O

    Operation [ARMA3][Special Event] Operation Tim Tam - 30JUL22 - 1900Z

    I would like to attend as ATLAS 1 team member
  2. Phillips.O

    Operation [ARMA3][Operation] Operation Valley Girls - 23JUL22 - 1900Z

    I would like to attend as Misfit-7, or fill a position in one of the ATLAS squads if that is taken
  3. Phillips.O

    Operation [ARMA3][Operation] Operation Martian Dust - 31JUL22 - 1900Z

    I would like to attend as ATLAS Team Leader/Member
  4. Phillips.O

    Operation [ARMA3][Operation] Campaign Livonian Daggers - Operation Skip and a Jump - 02JUL22 - 1900Z

    I would like to attend as either ATLAS 1/2 Team Lead or Member
  5. Phillips.O

    Operation [ARMA3][Operation] Operation Crimson Dawn - 10JUN22 - 2300Z

    I would like to attend as ATLAS
  6. Phillips.O

    Operation [ARMA3][FTX]Bravo Troop FTX Garchomp - 29MAY22 - 1900Z

    I would like to attend as ATLAS-2 lead
  7. Phillips.O

    AAR AAR ARMA3 | Operation Desert Saber

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Element Callsign: ATLAS-1 Element Leader: Specialist Phillips.O 7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element: Corporal Norman.B Specialist Phillips.O Mr. Wierd (Pub) Pros: Excellent and concise orders...
  8. Phillips.O

    Operation [ARMA3][Public][WW2] Campaign Overlord 1944, Operation Neptune H-Hour - 05JUN22 - 1900Z

    I would like to attend as any DOG medic, platoon or squad level if possible. If all medic roles are taken please slot me as a German MG gunner
  9. Phillips.O

    Operation [ARMA3][Special Event] Operation Desert Saber - 21MAY22 - 1800Z

    I would like to attend as ATLAS 1-2 lead or ATLAS 1-2 member
  10. Phillips.O

    Operation [ARMA3][Special Event] Campaign 17th Parallel - Operation Hump - 26MAR22 @ 1900Z

    I would like to attend as a member of ATLAS 1 or 2
  11. Phillips.O

    Operation [ARMA3][Operation] Operation Three Days in Zaros - 02APR22 - 1600Z

    I will no longer be able to attend
  12. Phillips.O

    Operation [ARMA3][Operation] Operation Three Days in Zaros - 02APR22 - 1600Z

    I would like to attend as ATLAS-2 TL, and I plan on attending the entire operation.
  13. Phillips.O

    Operation [ARMA3][Operation] Campaign White Rock - Operation Far From Home - 19MAR22 - 2200Z

    I would like to attend as medical squad leader for ATLAS-1
  14. Phillips.O

    AAR ARMA 3 Campaign Back Again - Operation A Million Standing Petals

    Element Callsign: ATLAS-2 Element Leader:Private First Class Phillips.O Element Members:Specialist Ewing.R Pros: Handled casualties effectively Good attendance overall from ATLAS Found and quickly remedied ACE medical issues Immersive experience and was noted as a favorite operation by...
  15. Phillips.O

    AAR ARMA 3 | Campaign Rogal Dorn | Operation Phobos (A/1-7 FTX)

    Good Afternoon, I believe you tagged the wrong Phillips in your AAR. I was Misfit 7/ATLAS-2. The member you're looking for is Phillips.B
  16. Phillips.O

    AAR ARMA 3 | Campaign Rogal Dorn | Operation Phobos (A/1-7 FTX)

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Element Callsign: ATLAS 1/2 and Misfit 7 Element Leader:Private First Class Phillips.O 7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element: Specialist Weiss.S Specialist Ewing.R Specialist Boyd.M Private First...
  17. Phillips.O

    Operation [ARMA3][Operation] Campaign Mitag - Operation Outstretched Hands - 26FEB22 - 1900Z

    I would like to attend as a member of ATLAS-2, or if needed, a mobile ATLAS member on Pedro
  18. Phillips.O

    Approved Enlistment [PC - ARMA 3] - Phillips.Owen - S1 Completed

    Username: Name Phillips.Owen Recruiter(s) Mix.C Age 20 Time zone: (UTC-07:00) Arizona Discord Account Phillips#7967 Military experience Yes MOS 6694 Branch and duration Marine Corps / Enlisted July 2019 Selected Platform/Game PC - ARMA 3 Steam ID...