7th Cavalry Gaming

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  1. Rav.T

    Enlistment Approved S2 [Xbox - Hell Let Loose] - Nikolai.Makarov

    RRD Approved. Name: Makarov Nikolai(First, Last) T17: Nikolai.M#5329 John.K Varnado.J Rogers.S Budd.D Ronen.R Connelly.M
  2. Rav.T

    [PC - Hell Let Loose] - Milton.Samuel | CLOSED

    I'm assuming this was meant to be return to active PAF? Preacher.A Just want to make sure before moving.
  3. Rav.T

    Re-Enlistment Denied [PC - Hell Let Loose] - Zakayatov.Vladamir

    Baeder.S Ratcliff.M Budd.D for response awareness.
  4. Rav.T

    Enlistment Approved S2 [PSN - Hell Let Loose] - Dominguez.Robert

    RRD Approved Name: Robert Dominguez (First, Last) Team17: Dominguez.R#2571 John.K Varnado.J Rogers.S Budd.D Ronen.R Connelly.M
  5. Rav.T

    Re-Enlistment Re-Enlistment Questions | CLOSED

    Baeder.S Ratcliff.M Budd.D
  6. Rav.T

    Enlistment Denied [PC - Hell Let Loose] - Laroux.Bernard - Withdrawn

    Be advised: https://7cav.us/tickets/1504/ Rogers.S Budd.D Ronen.R Connelly.M Larouche.Z Cass.A