7th Cavalry Gaming

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Search results

  1. Walsh.D

    AAR DCS | Tactical Tuesdays | Campaign Siesta - Operation Bermuda Redux

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Name of Combat Mission: Bermuda Campaign of Combat Mission: Siesta Number Within Campaign: 1 Game: DCS Server Hosted on: =7Cav= Operations Server Date of Combat Mission: 06FEB24 Time of Combat...
  2. Walsh.D

    AAR DCS | Tactical Tuesdays | Campaign Siesta - Operation Bermuda Rerun

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Name of Combat Mission: Bermuda Campaign of Combat Mission: Siesta Number Within Campaign: 1 Game: DCS Server Hosted on: =7Cav= Operations Server Date of Combat Mission: 23JAN24 Time of Combat...
  3. Walsh.D

    AAR DCS | Tactical Tuesdays | Campaign Siesta - Operation Bermuda

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Name of Combat Mission: Bermuda Campaign of Combat Mission: Siesta Number Within Campaign: 1 Game: DCS Server Hosted on: =7Cav= Operations Server Date of Combat Mission: 16JAN24 Time of Combat...
  4. Walsh.D

    DCS | Saturday Night Strike | Campaign Bronze Thunder - Operation Knockout 0200z

    wrong thread mate, try here https://7cav.us/threads/44679/
  5. Walsh.D

    Campaign Siesta | Operation Bermuda | Tuesday 16JAN24 0200z

    Jan 16, 2024 at 9:00 PM → 11:00 PM
    https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1mpNk0l9rcSNU4RUHIFiLbUUi8EmcMgifmVwpA9-YyGI/edit#slide=id.g2abb1848304_1_45 Briefing 15 years ago the US gifted the territorial control of Guam and the northern Marianas to Taiwan in a groundbreaking show of goodwill and faith designed to cement a...
  6. Walsh.D

    Campaign Siesta | Operation Bermuda | Tuesday 16JAN24 0200z

    A new event has been added: Campaign Siesta | Operation Bermuda | Tuesday 16JAN24 0200z Read more about this event...
  7. Walsh.D

    DCS | Saturday Night Strike | Campaign Bronze Thunder - Operation Knockout 0200z

    Any f-18 Sead, if full I can go into another plane nbd
  8. Walsh.D

    Operation Sleeping Beauty DCS Public 24 Hour operation 25NOV23 TO 26NOV23

    see you boys at about 2am my time. I shall imbibe
  9. Walsh.D

    AAR DCS | Tactical Tuesdays | Campaign Lexington Concord- Operation One Inch Punch

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Name of Combat Mission: SuckerPunch Campaign of Combat Mission: Lexington-Concord Number Within Campaign:4 Campaign Complete Game: DCS Server Hosted on: =7Cav= Tactical Realism 1 | SRS Req |...
  10. Walsh.D

    Campaign Lexington Concord | Operation One Inch Punch | Tuesday 21NOV23 0200z

    Nov 21, 2023 at 9:00 PM → 11:00 PM
    https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1oSLyjOYJaZppm6CBX7C2cG66Be0p2H-IaMLJCH_akY8/edit?usp=sharing Briefing 26 Hours ago the US led coalition launched a devastating series of attacks against critical targets. This is the first push into the heart of the Syrian Capital city. We rotate back...
  11. Walsh.D

    Campaign Lexington Concord | Operation One Inch Punch | Tuesday 21NOV23 0200z

    A new event has been added: Campaign Lexington Concord | Operation One Inch Punch | Tuesday 21NOV23 0200z Read more about this event...
  12. Walsh.D

    Info ACD Section Practice Times

    Need bingo squadron Zulu time changed to 0200z because of dst and an SP time adjust
  13. Walsh.D

    Operation Aegis Arising Redux Tuesday 10 OCT 23 0100 ZULU

    Jury 1-4, or whatever flight may is confused about
  14. Walsh.D

    AAR DCS | Campaign Tactical Tuesdays September 2023 | Campaign Lexington Concord - Operation Roundhouse

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Name of Combat Mission: Roundhouse Campaign of Combat Mission: Lexington-Concord Number Within Campaign:3 Game: DCS Server Hosted on: =7Cav= Tactical Realism 1 | SRS Req | Fox3ms.com V3-18 Date...
  15. Walsh.D

    Glad to see this still prospering

    Howdy mike, I was here in 2009 with Plumbly, Unix and Krazee myself. Feels like a lifetime ago :)
  16. Walsh.D

    Operation Roundhouse Tuesday 26 SEPT 23 0100 ZULU

    A new event has been added: Operation Roundhouse Tuesday 26 SEPT 23 0100 ZULU Read more about this event...
  17. Walsh.D

    Operation Roundhouse Tuesday 26 SEPT 23 0100 ZULU

    Sep 26, 2023 at 9:00 PM → 11:00 PM
    https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KbEOkGb-mg2Zz6Ql_sX17rrWS-3HERBO/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107323599739840993545&rtpof=true&sd=true Briefing Civil war is raging in Syria. A number of factions fight for survival across the country while around them their neighbors watch the unfolding...