7th Cavalry Gaming

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  1. Spiers.M

    Operation [ARMA3][Operation] Campaign Mitag - Operation Outstretched Hands - 26FEB22 - 1900Z

    I am no longer able to attend due to filling in last minute for a TAS class this morning. I can't play ~5hrs straight on a weekend :/
  2. Spiers.M

    Operation [ARMA3][Public OP][WW2] Operation Ardennes Offensive 1944 - 15JAN22 2100Z

    Most likely won't be able to attend. Will update if this changes, track meet...
  3. Spiers.M

    Operation [ARMA 3][Special Event] Campaign Back Again - Operation Fallen Fruit - 07JAN22 - 2359Z

    I would like to attend as FAC. (It doesn't seem like it's necessary(?)) Will slot into Gunslinger 2 with SSG.Couvillion if not.
  4. Spiers.M

    Operation [ARMA3][Public OP][WW2] Operation Ardennes Offensive 1944 - 15JAN22 2100Z

    I would like to attend, EASY 1-3 SL if available.