7th Cavalry Gaming

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  1. Bloggins.R

    I fully endorse said fire mission that may or may not be called in. But there could be a case of...

    I fully endorse said fire mission that may or may not be called in. But there could be a case of beer in it for someone if it is....
  2. Bloggins.R

    Operation ARMA 3 | A/1-7 FTX Operation Second Strike | 14MAY23 @2030Z

    Raider 2 PIC. For now, subject to change as lots of moving parts in RL these days. I'll give it up for a box of doughnuts and a coffee if a rotor head wants it as I'm seriously out of attach posted in MOS.
  3. Bloggins.R

    pretty sure Hamm is going to have an massive aneurysm when I rotate back to rotary, but its a...

    pretty sure Hamm is going to have an massive aneurysm when I rotate back to rotary, but its a risk I'm willing to take.
  4. Bloggins.R

    apparently Coy staff has serious doubts either one of us can actually count to 10. If so, you...

    apparently Coy staff has serious doubts either one of us can actually count to 10. If so, you count to five and I'll count to 10. I promise to not get confused and pivot on 7... honest.
  5. Bloggins.R

    you gotta play the cards you are dealt.... even if they are jokers...

    you gotta play the cards you are dealt.... even if they are jokers...
  6. Bloggins.R

    i used to be a fair AH pilot, then someone whispered, the A-10 can do all that blow up crap...

    i used to be a fair AH pilot, then someone whispered, the A-10 can do all that blow up crap better... now look at me, a cheap throw away ho in the back of the helo. I tell ya, A-10's are a gateway fixed wing to ruination. :)
  7. Bloggins.R

    oh I get it, I crew chief a few times for you and then get thrown out of the AC for Ronnings...

    oh I get it, I crew chief a few times for you and then get thrown out of the AC for Ronnings like some floozie... nice. snicker. Yes Mr Ronnings, he needs you back for a positive role model. He's fallen in with the rough crowd and needs some guidance before he starts thinking he can fly...
  8. Bloggins.R

    trying to steal my thunder eh? My idea, I get shot... or better yet, lets do a dual... 10 paces...

    trying to steal my thunder eh? My idea, I get shot... or better yet, lets do a dual... 10 paces turn and fire.. last meal, ummm Maine lobster and lots of good wine, last word.. ouch. "be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet"
  9. Bloggins.R

    oh, and add in a "oh yeah?".. :P

    oh, and add in a "oh yeah?".. :P
  10. Bloggins.R

    don't want you get all soft and mushy on us, keep the edge....

    don't want you get all soft and mushy on us, keep the edge....
  11. Bloggins.R

    there must be a Cav pack mod with a blind fold and last cigarette..

    there must be a Cav pack mod with a blind fold and last cigarette..
  12. Bloggins.R

    To hell with the DCS, I demand the first Cav sanctioned firing squad for myself. You, being the...

    To hell with the DCS, I demand the first Cav sanctioned firing squad for myself. You, being the aggrieved party should be in charge of said firing squad and riddle my virtual body with many virtual bullets. I think that is the only way we can restore your honour and give you some sense of...
  13. Bloggins.R

    Not that you are actually worth the time to report on, but I also demand a ultra super secret...

    Not that you are actually worth the time to report on, but I also demand a ultra super secret DCS. My whole attitude towards you and your helo brethren is pure harassment riddled with utter contempt, leading you and others down the path of the most unrighteous.
  14. Bloggins.R

    harsh man, harsh...

    harsh man, harsh...
  15. Bloggins.R

    someone needs a life?? PS the family dinner was amazing...

    someone needs a life?? PS the family dinner was amazing...
  16. Bloggins.R

    I like my hamm on rye with a little mustard.... for the day, the 14 was a fine AC.

    I like my hamm on rye with a little mustard.... for the day, the 14 was a fine AC.
  17. Bloggins.R

    well, enough about my FW plane, lets talk about me :)

    well, enough about my FW plane, lets talk about me :)
  18. Bloggins.R

    do we now call you George?

    do we now call you George?
  19. Bloggins.R

    starting a civil war to end the roman civilization again?

    starting a civil war to end the roman civilization again?
  20. Bloggins.R

    so been there, so done that. got a T shirt.

    so been there, so done that. got a T shirt.