7th Cavalry Gaming

Join the Tactical Gaming Excellence

Major Sharkey.D



Full name
Dorian Sharkey
Primary position
Wall of Honor
Forum account
Join Date
Sep 9, 2011
Promotion Date
Mar 23, 2024
Time in service
Years: [13] Months: [1]
Time in grade
Years: [0] Months: [7]

Service record

Date Record Type Citation
2024-06-25 Retired from the 7th Cavalry Regiment with Honors Discharge -
2024-03-23 Promoted to Major (O-4) Promotion Citation
2024-02-05 Relieved of Duties as S6 Senior Forums Staff Assignment -
2023-11-06 Assigned S6 Senior Forums Staff Assignment -
2023-09-22 Promoted to Captain (O-3) Promotion Citation
2023-09-04 Assigned S6 Game Staff Assignment -
2023-08-06 Relieved of Duties as S1 2IC Assignment -
2023-03-20 Promoted to First Lieutenant (O-2) Promotion Citation
2023-02-28 Assigned S6 Game Staff IT Assignment -
2022-10-10 Assigned S1 2IC Assignment -
2022-09-18 Adjustment in Rank to Second Lieutenant (O-1), Transferred and Assigned Reserve Commander Transfer Citation
2022-06-26 Reinstated, Transferred and Assigned Reserves Transfer -
2021-11-26 Retired from The 7th Cavalry Regiment Discharge -
2021-11-24 Relieved of Duties as S1 2IC Assignment -
2021-10-04 Transferred and Assigned Commanding Officer ACD Transfer -
2021-09-08 Relived of Duties as S2 Senior Investigator, Per Request Assignment -
2021-08-07 Completed 29th Combat Mission (Operation Battle of Carentan) Operation -
2021-07-30 Promoted to Major (O-4) Promotion Citation
2021-07-08 Assigned S1 2IC Assignment -
2021-06-05 Completed 28th Combat Mission (Operation Overlord) Operation -
2021-06-05 Completed 27th Combat Mission (Operation Platinum Fox) Operation -
2021-05-22 Completed 26th Combat Mission (Operation Sand Pounders) Operation -
2021-05-15 Completed 25th Combat Mission (Campaign Paper Trail. Operation Telic) Operation -
2021-05-12 Completed 24th Combat Mission (Campaign May Warfare Wednesday 2021. Operation Warfare Wednesday 92) Operation -
2021-05-08 Completed 23rd Combat Mission (Operation Prairie Fire) Operation -
2021-04-26 Assigned S2 Senior Investigator as Additional Duty Assignment -
2021-04-25 Graduated Hell Let Loose Basic Infantry Combat Training Course Graduation Citation
2021-04-24 Completed 22nd Combat Mission (Operation Livonian Lost and Found) Operation -
2021-04-21 Assigned S1 Milpacs Senior as Additional Duty Assignment -
2021-02-28 Assigned S1 Uniforms Clerk as Additional Duty Assignment -
2021-01-25 Promoted to Captain (O-3) Promotion Citation
2020-11-08 Assigned Acting Platoon Leader HHC/1-7 as Additional Duty Assignment -
2020-09-20 Relieved of Duties as S1 Citations Head, Per Request; Assigned S1 Milpacs Clerk as Additional Duty Assignment -
2020-07-13 Promoted to First Lieutenant (O-2) Promotion Citation
2020-07-06 Relieved of Duties from the S1 Milpacs Department, Per Request Assignment -
2020-06-20 Relieved of Duties as Head of S1 Operations. Assigned Head of S1 Citations Assignment -
2020-05-12 Relieved of Duties as S2 Senior Investigator, Per Request; Assigned S2 Investigator Assignment -
2020-02-28 Assigned NCOIC of S1 Operations Assignment -
2020-01-09 Promoted to Second Lieutenant (O-1), Assigned Reservist In Command Promotion Citation
2019-11-23 Assigned S2 Senior Investigator Assignment -
2019-11-14 Assigned S1 Milpacs Lead Assignment -
2019-09-15 Promoted to Staff Sergeant (E-6), Assigned Reservist 2IC Promotion Citation
2019-09-03 Assigned S1 Operational Clerk Lead Assignment -
2019-08-30 Attended the Server Administration Course Graduation -
2019-08-30 Assigned S1 Milpacs Department as Additional Duty Assignment -
2019-07-25 Assigned S1 Citations Clerk as Additional Duty Assignment -
2019-06-24 Assigned S2 Full Status Investigator as Additional Duty Assignment -
2019-04-17 Transferred and Assigned Reservist Transfer -
2019-04-08 Reinstated, Reduction in Rank to Corporal (E-4), Transferred and Assigned Trooper A/1/C/1-7 Transfer -
2018-03-04 Retired from the 7th Cavalry Regiment with Honors Discharge -
2017-09-05 Promoted to Master Sergeant (E-8) Promotion Citation
2017-05-11 Assigned Full S2 Department Status as Additional Duty Assignment -
2017-02-22 Promoted to Sergeant First Class (E-7) Promotion Citation
2016-07-31 Promoted to Staff Sergeant (E-6) Promotion Citation
2016-06-15 Relieved of Duties from the S2 Department, Per Request Assignment -
2016-04-23 Completed S2 Department Training, Assigned Full S2 Department Status Assignment -
2016-04-18 Relieved of Duties from Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, Transferred and Assigned S1 NCOIC as Primary Billet Transfer -
2016-03-03 Assigned to S2 Department (In Training) as Additional Duty Assignment -
2016-01-16 Completed 21st Combat Mission (Operation Sacrifical Pawn) Operation -
2016-01-15 Completed 20th Combat Mission (Operation Minuteman) Operation -
2016-01-14 Certificate of Appreciation awarded for outstanding performance to the S1 Department - Citation
2016-01-10 Promoted to Sergeant (E-5) Promotion Citation
2016-01-09 Completed 19th Combat Mission (Operation Tremor) Operation -
2015-11-29 Completed 18th Combat Mission (Operation Metalhead) Operation -
2015-10-20 Relieved of Duties from the MP Department, Per Request Assignment -
2015-10-18 Assigned NCOIC of S1 Department as Additional Duty Assignment -
2015-09-16 Transferred and Assigned Light Infantry 2/1/C/1-7 Transfer -
2015-09-04 Completed 17th Combat Mission (Operation Stone Age) Operation -
2015-08-15 Transferred and Assigned Light Infantry 6/1/C/1-7 Transfer -
2015-05-20 Assigned NCOIC of S1 Milpacs Department as Additional Duty Assignment -
2015-03-28 Completed 16th Combat Mission (Campaign Marathon, Operation Creeping Dusk) Operation -
2015-02-20 Graduated Battlefield 4 Advanced Assault Movement Course, Class 002/02/15 Graduation -
2015-02-18 Relieved of Duties from the Recruit Training Command Department, Per Request Assignment -
2015-02-14 Assigned RTC Senior Drill Instructor as Additional Duty Assignment -
2015-02-13 Completed all Requirements of the Military Police Training Course - named to full MP status. Assignment Citation
2015-02-08 Assigned S1 Milpacs 1-7 Lead as Additional Duty Assignment -
2015-02-02 Transferred and Assigned Trooper 4/2/B/2-7 Transfer -
2015-01-24 Completed 15th Combat Mission (Campaign Hidden Freedom, Operation Friendly Fire) Operation -
2015-01-23 Graduated the Drill Instructor Course, Assigned Drill Instructor Assignment Citation
2015-01-19 Selected as MP (In Training) Assignment -
2015-01-04 Relieved of Duties as Section Leader A/4/B/2-7, Per Request. Transferred and Assigned Trooper A/4/B/2-7 Transfer -
2014-12-23 Promoted to Corporal (E-4) Promotion Citation
2014-12-11 Assigned to the Recruit Training Command, Drill Instructor (In Training) as Additional Duty Assignment -
2014-12-09 Transferred and Assigned Section Leader A/4/B/2-7 Transfer -
2014-11-26 Assigned to S1 Milpacs Department as Additional Duty Assignment -
2014-11-15 Completed 14th Combat Mission (Operation Spartan - Part 2) Operation -
2014-11-08 Completed 13th Combat Mission (Operation Spartan - Part 1) Operation -
2014-11-01 Completed 12th Combat Mission (Operation Serpents Cradle) Operation -
2014-10-24 Completed 11th Combat Mission (Operation AFOR) Operation -
2014-09-08 Transferred and Assigned Trooper A/4/B/2-7 Transfer -
2014-08-24 Reinstated, Reduction in Rank to Specialist (E-4), Transferred and Assigned Trooper 4/2/B/2-7 Transfer -
2013-10-26 General Discharge with Eligibility for Re-enlistment Discharge -
2013-10-21 Reinstated in the 7th Cavalry Regiment, Transferred and Assigned Trooper A/2/D/2-7 Transfer -
2013-07-07 Honorable Discharge with Eligibility for Re-enlistment Discharge -
2013-06-05 Graduated ARMA2 Field Medical Course, Class 023/06/13 Graduation Citation
2013-06-01 Promoted to Staff Sergeant (E-6) Promotion Citation
2013-05-18 Completed 10th Combat Mission (Campaign West Wall, Operation Rising Dawn) Operation -
2013-05-17 Completed 9th Combat Mission (Operation Mad Hatter) Operation -
2013-04-14 Relieved of Duties from Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, Transferred and Assigned S1 Department as primary billet Transfer -
2013-03-29 Completed 8th Combat Mission (Operation Dragon Jaune) Operation -
2013-03-09 Graduated ARMA2 Basic Air Assault Course, Class 010/03/13 Graduation Citation
2013-03-09 Relieved of Duties from the S1 Avatar Shop, Per Request Assignment -
2013-02-23 Completed 7th Combat Mission (Operation Sputnik Battle Royale) Operation -
2013-02-07 Transferred and Assigned Trooper A/2/B/2-7 Transfer -
2013-02-03 Completed 6th Combat Mission (Operation Hold the Line) Operation -
2013-02-02 Completed 5th Combat Mission (Campaign Black Dragon, Operation Monkey Business) Operation -
2012-12-03 Completed 4th Combat Mission (URL Season 1 Week 1 vs. PARA) Operation -
2012-12-01 Participated in the Knife The General Event - -
2012-11-25 Assigned S1 Milpacs Department NCOIC Assignment -
2012-11-25 Promoted to Sergeant (E-5) Promotion Citation
2012-11-08 Relieved of Duties from the Military Police Department, Transferred and Assigned S1 Department as primary billet Transfer -
2012-10-24 Assigned to S1 Avatar Shop as Additional Duty Assignment -
2012-09-21 Completed 3rd Combat Mission (Campaign Kasai, Operation Firestarter) Operation -
2012-08-17 Completed 2nd Combat Mission (Campaign Kasai, Operation Strake) Operation -
2012-06-23 Graduated ARMA2 Basic Airborne Course, Class 026/6/12 Graduation Citation
2012-06-23 Graduated ARMA2 Advanced Individual Training Course, Phase I Graduation -
2012-06-20 Promoted to Corporal (E-4) Promotion Citation
2012-04-28 Relieved of Duties from S1 Signature Shop, Per Request Assignment -
2012-04-08 Completed all Requirements of the Military Police Training Course - named to full MP status. Assignment Citation
2012-04-08 Named Enlisted Trooper of the Month for January 2012 Graduation Citation
2012-04-06 Completed 1st Combat Mission (Operation Dominus) Operation -
2012-03-06 Selected as MP (In Training) Assignment -
2012-03-02 Graduated NCOA Warrior Leadership Course, Class 02*02-12 Graduation Citation
2012-02-25 Promoted to Specialist (E-4) Promotion Citation
2012-02-03 SRT Course 12-01 D.O.R - -
2012-01-15 Assigned to S1 Signature Shop as Additional Duty Assignment -
2012-01-11 Assigned to S1 Milpacs Dept as an additional Billet Assignment -
2011-12-24 Promoted to Private First Class (E-3) Promotion Citation
2011-12-17 Accepted SRT Course 12-01 - -
2011-11-28 Transferred and Assigned Trooper D/3/B/2-7 Transfer -
2011-11-24 Graduated Boot Camp, Promoted to Private (E-2), assigned Trooper D/1/B/2-7 Graduation Citation
2011-10-26 Re-Enlisted in the 7th Cavalry Regiment, Assigned Boot Camp 043/10/2011 Transfer -
2011-09-21 General Discharge, Not Eligible for Re-enlistment per General's Orders Discharge -
2011-09-09 Enlisted in the 7th Cavalry Regiment, Assigned Boot Camp 036/09/11 Transfer -

Awards and recognition

Date Award   Details  
2020-08-22 James "Krazee" Foster Lifetime Achievement Medal   Citation
2021-09-18 Legion of Merit S2 Department Citation
2020-12-14 Soldiers Medal   Citation
2015-02-23 Purple Heart Operation Friendly Fire Citation
2022-12-11 Defense Meritorious Service Medal S1 YoY Citation
2020-02-06 Defense Meritorious Service Medal S1 Furlough Contributions Citation
2019-12-10 Defense Meritorious Service Medal S1 Department Citation
2016-02-08 Defense Meritorious Service Medal S1 Department Citation
2021-06-18 Meritorious Service Medal S1 Department Citation
2019-11-19 Meritorious Service Medal Reserve Citation
2017-07-16 Meritorious Service Medal S1 Department Citation
2016-02-08 Joint Service Commendation Medal Operation Minuteman Citation
2014-11-20 Joint Service Commendation Medal Operation AFOR Citation
2014-12-16 Army Commendation Medal with Valor Device Operation Serpent Cradle Citation
2022-12-10 Army Commendation Medal ACD Citation
2020-12-14 Army Commendation Medal For S2 Dept. FY2020 Citation
2013-06-15 Army Commendation Medal Operation Rising Dawn Citation
2013-06-15 Army Commendation Medal Operation Rising Dawn Citation
2012-04-29 Army Commendation Medal Operation Dominus Citation
2021-06-12 Joint Service Achievement Medal Wounded Warriors D-Day Event Citation
2023-12-02 Army Achievement Medal S6 Citation
2020-05-07 Army Achievement Medal S2 Department - April 2020 Citation
2019-11-08 Army Achievement Medal S2 Department - October 2019 Citation
2019-09-06 Army Achievement Medal S1 Department - August 2019 Citation
2019-08-03 Army Achievement Medal S2 Department - July 2019 Citation
2012-04-08 Army Achievement Medal Enlisted - April 2012 Citation
2023-09-10 Army Good Conduct Medal 2nd Gold Knot Citation
2022-09-10 Army Good Conduct Medal 1st Gold Knot Citation
2021-02-10 Army Good Conduct Medal 3rd Silver Knot Citation
2020-02-08 Army Good Conduct Medal 2nd Silver Knot Citation
2018-01-04 Army Good Conduct Medal 1st Silver Knot Citation
2017-01-04 Army Good Conduct Medal 3rd Bronze Knot Citation
2016-01-05 Army Good Conduct Medal 2nd Bronze Knot Citation
2015-01-05 Army Good Conduct Medal 1st Bronze Knot Citation
2012-11-23 Army Good Conduct Medal   Citation
2021-07-29 Armed Forces Service Medal S1 Dept. 24JUL20 - 24JUL21 Citation
2021-07-04 Armed Forces Service Medal For S2 Dept. 24JUN20 - 24JUN21 Citation
2020-07-24 Armed Forces Service Medal For S1 Dept. 25JUL19 - 24JUL20 Citation
2020-06-24 Armed Forces Service Medal For S2 Dept. 24JUN19 - 24JUN20 Citation
2017-11-11 Armed Forces Service Medal For S2 Dept. 11MAY17 - 11NOV17 Citation
2015-11-26 Armed Forces Service Medal For S1 Dept. 26MAY15 - 26NOV15 Citation
2015-05-26 Armed Forces Service Medal For S1 Dept. 26NOV14 - 26MAY15 Citation
2012-07-11 Armed Forces Service Medal For S1 Dept. 11Jan12 - 09JUL12 Citation
2023-09-07 Humanitarian Service Medal 14th Award Citation
2023-07-18 Humanitarian Service Medal 13th Award Citation
2021-04-26 Humanitarian Service Medal 12th Award Citation
2020-09-06 Humanitarian Service Medal 11th Award Citation
2019-11-20 Humanitarian Service Medal 10th Award Citation
2019-09-12 Humanitarian Service Medal 9th Award Citation
2019-09-03 Humanitarian Service Medal 8th Award Citation
2017-04-26 Humanitarian Service Medal 7th Award Citation
2017-01-28 Humanitarian Service Medal 6th Award Citation
2015-05-25 Humanitarian Service Medal 5th Award Citation
2014-11-19 Humanitarian Service Medal 4th Award Citation
2014-09-19 Humanitarian Service Medal 3rd Award Citation
2013-05-01 Humanitarian Service Medal 2nd Award Citation
2012-06-24 Humanitarian Service Medal 1st Award Citation
2023-03-01 Donation Ribbon 65th award Citation
2023-02-01 Donation Ribbon 64th award Citation
2023-01-01 Donation Ribbon 63rd award Citation
2022-12-01 Donation Ribbon 62nd award Citation
2022-11-01 Donation Ribbon 61st Award Citation
2022-10-14 Donation Ribbon 60th Award Citation
2022-09-14 Donation Ribbon 58th Award Citation
2022-08-14 Donation Ribbon 57th Award Citation
2021-12-01 Donation Ribbon 56th Award Citation
2021-10-01 Donation Ribbon 55th Award Citation
2021-09-01 Donation Ribbon 54th Award Citation
2021-08-03 Donation Ribbon 53rd Award Citation
2021-07-01 Donation Ribbon 52nd Award Citation
2021-06-01 Donation Ribbon 51st Award Citation
2021-05-01 Donation Ribbon 50th Award Citation
2021-04-01 Donation Ribbon 49th Award Citation
2021-03-02 Donation Ribbon 48th Award Citation
2021-02-01 Donation Ribbon 47th Award Citation
2021-01-08 Donation Ribbon 46th Award Citation
2020-12-02 Donation Ribbon 45th Award Citation
2020-11-02 Donation Ribbon 44th Award Citation
2020-10-01 Donation Ribbon 43rd Award Citation
2020-09-02 Donation Ribbon 42nd Award Citation
2020-08-08 Donation Ribbon 41st Award Citation
2020-07-01 Donation Ribbon 40th Award Citation
2020-06-01 Donation Ribbon 39th Award Citation
2020-05-04 Donation Ribbon 38th Award Citation
2020-04-01 Donation Ribbon 37th Award Citation
2020-03-01 Donation Ribbon 36th Award Citation
2020-02-01 Donation Ribbon 35th Award Citation
2020-01-01 Donation Ribbon 34th Award Citation
2019-12-02 Donation Ribbon 33rd Award Citation
2019-11-01 Donation Ribbon 32nd Award Citation
2019-10-02 Donation Ribbon 31st Award Citation
2019-09-01 Donation Ribbon 30th Award Citation
2019-08-04 Donation Ribbon 29th Award Citation
2019-07-01 Donation Ribbon 28th Award Citation
2019-05-07 Donation Ribbon 27th Award Citation
2019-04-08 Donation Ribbon 26th Award Citation
2018-10-11 Donation Ribbon 25th Award Citation
2017-11-01 Donation Ribbon 24th Award Citation
2017-10-21 Donation Ribbon 23rd Award Citation
2017-08-01 Donation Ribbon 22nd Award Citation
2017-07-01 Donation Ribbon 21st Award Citation
2017-06-01 Donation Ribbon 20th Award Citation
2017-05-01 Donation Ribbon 19th Award Citation
2017-01-07 Donation Ribbon 18th Award Citation
2016-12-19 Donation Ribbon 17th Award Citation
2016-11-23 Donation Ribbon 16th Award Citation
2016-10-01 Donation Ribbon 15th Award Citation
2016-08-02 Donation Ribbon 14th Award Citation
2016-02-13 Donation Ribbon 13th Award Citation
2015-12-11 Donation Ribbon 12th Award Citation
2015-09-27 Donation Ribbon 11th Award Citation
2015-03-25 Donation Ribbon 10th Award Citation
2015-01-12 Donation Ribbon 9th Award Citation
2014-10-19 Donation Ribbon 8th Award Citation
2014-08-25 Donation Ribbon 7th Award Citation
2013-02-01 Donation Ribbon 6th Award Citation
2012-09-22 Donation Ribbon 5th Award Citation
2012-07-19 Donation Ribbon 4th Award Citation
2012-07-16 Donation Ribbon 3rd Award Citation
2012-05-06 Donation Ribbon 2nd Award Citation
2012-02-16 Donation Ribbon 1st Award Citation
2020-01-16 7th Cavalry Server Upgrade Award Silver Attachment Citation
2016-03-11 7th Cavalry Server Upgrade Award   Citation
2020-01-17 StackUp Donation Medal   Citation
2018-11-12 StackUp Donation Medal Bronze Knot Citation
2014-10-30 Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal   Citation
2019-09-16 NCO Professional Development Ribbon Staff Sergeant Promotion Citation
2017-09-05 NCO Professional Development Ribbon Master Sergeant Promotion Citation
2017-02-22 NCO Professional Development Ribbon Sergeant First Class Promotion Citation
2016-07-31 NCO Professional Development Ribbon Staff Sergeant Promotion Citation
2016-01-10 NCO Professional Development Ribbon Sergeant Promotion Citation
2013-06-01 NCO Professional Development Ribbon Staff Sergeant Promotion Citation
2012-11-25 NCO Professional Development Ribbon Sergeant Promotion Citation
2011-11-24 Army Service Ribbon   Citation
2021-06-01 Overseas Service Ribbon   Citation
2021-11-09 Recruiting Ribbon 2nd Award Citation
2012-02-12 Recruiting Ribbon 1st Award Citation
2021-06-10 D-Day Commemorative Medal Operation Overlord Citation
2021-04-25 Basic Assault Course Ribbon   Citation
2021-05-16 Army & Air Force Presidential Unit Citation   Citation
2011-06-02 Army & Air Force Presidential Unit Citation   Citation
2010-09-18 Army & Air Force Presidential Unit Citation   Citation
2009-08-10 Army & Air Force Presidential Unit Citation   Citation
2004-09-01 Army & Air Force Presidential Unit Citation   Citation
2003-03-18 Army & Air Force Presidential Unit Citation   Citation
2022-12-12 Army Superior Unit Citation S1 Dept. FY 2022 Citation
2021-06-03 Army Superior Unit Citation S1 Dept. Citation
2020-08-28 Army Superior Unit Citation For S2 Dept. Citation
2019-07-27 Army Superior Unit Citation For S2 Dept. Citation
2012-04-06 Expert Infantry Badge   Citation
2013-02-02 Combat Infantry Badge   Citation
2013-05-18 Combat Infantry Badge 2nd Award   Citation
2015-01-24 Combat Infantry Badge 3rd Award   Citation
2016-01-16 Combat Infantry Badge 4th Award   Citation
2013-06-05 Expert Field Medical Badge   Citation
2012-06-23 Army Parachutist Badge   Citation
2013-03-09 Air Assault Badge   Citation
2013-02-08 Rifle Expert Awarded for the completion of one or more of the weapons qualification courses with excellent scores Citation
2013-02-08 Grenade Expert Awarded for the completion of one or more of the weapons qualification courses with excellent scores Citation