The HLL School of Infantry is proud to announce that we will be conducting Basic Armor Crewman Course for highly motivated individuals. The BACC is focused on learning basic armor skills and knowledge. There is a classroom portion followed by practices and a final FTX. The class is 90 minutes (1.5 hours) long.
Troopers Will Learn
- Roles of the armor crewman
- Crew commands
- React to contact
- German tank ID review
Student Prerequisites
- No active negative action
- Pen and paper
- Hell Let Loose installed and working prior to class start time
- Minimum of 2 students
- Maximum of 4 students per instructor, up to 16 students
- Priority given to troopers assigned to a Hell Let Loose armor billet
- If you sign up for a class and are unable to attend, please reply in this post letting us know ahead of time so we can give someone else your slot
- Consult the 7Cav Events Calendar for guidance
- Profenno.L
Please respond with: I would like to attend, RNK.LAST.F, BILLET (MOS)
Example: I would like to attend, PVT.John.D, 1/2/F/1-7 (11B)