7th Cavalry Gaming

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[SOI] Advanced Infantry Training Phase I - 02OCT24 0100Z (01OCT24 2100ET)

  • Organiser Preacher.A
  • Start date Date Posted:


The HLL School of Infantry is proud to announce that we will be conducting Advanced infantry tactics Phase 1 for highly motivated individuals. AIT1 is focused on learning the more advanced maneuvers and procedures required to properly execute missions as a fireteam. There is a classroom portion followed by practices and a final FTX. The class is 120 minutes long.

Troopers Will Learn
  • How to move in a fireteam
  • How to maintain cohesion as a fireteam
  • How to perform various types of fireteam missions
  • How to better communicate in a fireteam

Student Prerequisites
  • No active negative action
  • Pen and paper
  • Hell Let Loose installed and working prior to class start time
  • Basic Infantry Combat Training [HLL-PC]

  • Minimum of 1 Instructor per 4 Students, 2 Cadre
  • No Maximum
  • Slotting: 2-7 -> 7th Cav
  • If you sign up for a class and are unable to attend, please reply in this post letting us know ahead of time so we can give someone else your slot
  • Consult the 7Cav Events Calendar for guidance

  1. Sergeant Major Anthony Preacher
  2. First Sergeant Sostak Sven

  1. Corporal Zaida Sokol
  2. Second Lieutenant Frank Korfias
  3. Specialist Johnson Felton
  4. Specialist Marco Gimson
  5. Corporal Dan Noriega
  6. Corporal Marcel Moreau
  7. Sergeant Andrew Lucas
  8. Specialist Josh Chaplin
  9. Specialist Calvin Ellison
  10. Corporal Ryan Beauchamp
  11. Private First Class Michael Plummer
  12. Corporal Pierre LaRoche
  13. Private First Class Ruby Hansel
  14. Specialist Zachary Maines
  15. Specialist Jeremy Houser
  16. Specialist Aaron Feathers
  17. Corporal Christopher Macpherson
  18. Sergeant Alex Wisniewski
  19. Corporal Marcel Laui
  20. Private Jason Grimshaw
  21. Specialist Bruce Mair

1. Specialist Michelob Von Busch

  1. Sergeant Garth Warren
  2. Staff Sergeant Mike Rasmus

The following individuals in 2-7 have completed AIT 1 and will be cadre:
Colonel Rob.Y2021-09-22
Master Sergeant Zimm.L2021-10-24
Corporal Slagg.J2023-04-11
Staff Sergeant Hermes.S2021-10-24
Staff Sergeant Herber.R2023-04-11
Major Mix.C2021-09-22
First Lieutenant Argentini.E2023-06-21
Second Lieutenant DAmico.J2021-11-21
Sergeant Warren.G2023-06-21
Sergeant White.C2023-06-21
Specialist Rhone.T2021-11-21
Staff Sergeant Rasmus.M2023-06-21
Sergeant Sotelo.R2021-09-22
Corporal Ackelson.K2021-10-23
Specialist Bearden.C2021-10-23
Sergeant Berkowski.C2023-06-21
Major Cameron.J2021-10-24
Second Lieutenant Rhodes.R2021-10-24
Sergeant Mulholland.J2021-11-21
First Lieutenant Anderson.P2023-07-09
Staff Sergeant Avery.D2023-06-21
Corporal Baldrick.D2023-07-09
Corporal Owens.J2023-07-09
Corporal Donato.E2022-02-20
Corporal Carmine.J2023-07-09

Please respond with: I would like to attend, RNK.LAST.F, BILLET (MOS)
Example: I would like to attend, PVT.John.D, 1/2/F/1-7 (11B)


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