The Airborne School is proud to announce we will be conducting the Jumpmaster Course for up to 8 highly motivated individuals. The JMC is focused on the procedures of loading and unloading airborne infantryman into the C-130 at base and exiting the aircraft over the drop zone. The class is approximately 120 minutes (2 hours) long. There is a classroom portion followed by a practical portion where you will act as the Jumpmaster of an airborne stick.Troopers Will Learn
- Theory, including capabilities, terminology, safety around the aircraft and commands
- Characteristics, selection, and marking of drop zones
- Loading the aircraft and preparation for a static-line jump
- How to conduct the static-line jump over the DZ as the Jumpmaster
- Graduated Basic Land Navigation [BLN]
- Graduated Basic Individual Training [BIT]
- Graduated Basic Radio Communication Course [BRCC]
- Graduated Advanced Individual Training [AIT]
- Graduated Basic Leader Course [BLC]
- Graduated Basic Airborne Course [BAC]
- No active negative action
- Pen and paper
- ArmA 3 installed with the CavPack installed and working
- Minimum of 2 students
- Maximum of 8 students
- 11B paratroopers given priority slotting by rank, however all are welcome.
- If you sign up for a class and are unable to attend, please reply in this post letting us know ahead of time so we can give someone else your slot
- Please fill out this Form if you are searching for a better time slot for this class
Second Lieutenant Tallamy.D
Please respond by clicking the "Going" button to indicate your attendance.