The Squad Combined Arms School is proud to announce we will be conducting the Basic Individual Training 1. The BIT1 course is focused on the fundamentals of Infantry / Squad movement, learning new formations, and how to improve your skills as an individual Infantrymen. The training consists of a classroom portion, and multiple in-game lessons. You will need to complete this course to make further advances in the 7th Cavalry, it may take up to 120 minutes (2 hours).Troopers Will Learn
- How to give callouts in Squad.
- The Fireteam composition.
- The commonly used Squad Kits
- Fire Team Formations
- No active negative action
- Pen and paper
- Squad installed and working before class start time
- The Squad Training Server Modpack downloaded
- Minimum of 3 students
- Maximum of 8 students
- Priority slotting: C/ACD -> Regiment
- If you sign up for a class and are unable to attend, please reply to this post letting us know ahead of time so we can give someone else your slot.
- Consult the 7Cav Events Calendar for guidance
Second Lieutenant Ryan.BF
Warrant Officer 1 Teddy.J
1. Major Cameron.J
2. Private Rodriguez.N
3. Private Veal.T
4. Private Barr.D
Please respond with: I would like to attend, RNK.LAST.F, BILLET
Example: I would like to attend, PVT.John.D, 1/1/C/ACD