![DCS ITW BANNER DCS ITW BANNER](https://imgur.com/gytHo55.png)
The DCS Initial Training Wing is proud to announce that we will be conducting The Air Battle Management Course for up to 8 highly motivated individuals. This course is designed to provide you with basic knowledge of airspace management. This class will not be in-game, as this is a strictly theory-based course it will be held in 7th Cav Discord Classroom(s).
Troopers Will Learn
- The Role of an Air Battle Manager
- Effective Communication
- Tools and Software
- Public Server Operations and Setup
- Airspace Management
- Standard Reports and Brevity
Student Prerequisites
- No active negative action
- Pen and paper
- Minimum of 2 students
- Maximum of 8 students
- 3-7 troopers given priority slotting
- If you sign up for a class and are unable to attend, please reply in this post letting us know ahead of time so we can give someone else your slot
- Consult the 7Cav Events Calendar for guidance
- Please fill out this Form if you are searching for a better time slot for this class.
- SPC.Kruger.J
- SPC.Dev.D
Waitlist (If someone doesn't show):
Please respond with: I would like to attend, RNK.LAST.F, BILLET (M