7th Cavalry Gaming

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ARMA 3 | Campaign Crisis Response | Operation Justified Action - 28JAN 1900z

  • Organiser Geki.T
  • Start date Date Posted:

SITUATION: After a series of tropical storms have left the island of Saint Kapaulio off the coast of Kenya vulnerable, a joint effort of Serbian UN Peacekeepers, 1-7CAV, and IDAP has been established to provide aid and stability to the region. Unfortunately, it seems criminal gangs that have turned into insurgents have taken over large swathes of the terrain, including a number of abandoned military bases in the region. There are confirmed reports of hostile foreign SOF units working alongside these criminal gangs to continue destabilizing the island, however they have not been fully identified. Through the efforts of the Serbian Peacekeepers and Charlie Company's aggressive direct action raids, a somewhat safe area has been established along the western coast. Bravo Troop's Stryker Platoons and Combat Support Platoons have begun pushing past the currently established forward line of own troops (FLOT) to continue expanding the safe zone and provide aid to some of the more dangerous locations. Bravo Troop, 1st Platoon sent a detachment of medics and engineers to a slum village on the north side of Crystal Lake, just south of the village of Lundy. Through their humanitarian aid, they received intelligence that the mountain just east of Lundy was home to one of the largest insurgent criminal organizations on the island, and they were awaiting an opportunity to take American lives and steal supplies that the humanitarian effort had given the surrounding villages.

MISSION: Bravo Troop is separated across 2-3km of terrain, with 1st Platoon preparing to defend their location and the slum village from incoming enemy raiding parties. 2nd Platoon is mustering on a small base to the west of them, but will have to destroy several enemy roadblocks on their way to rally with 1st Platoon. Once the enemy raiding parties have been successfully destroyed or repelled, Bravo Troop will go on the offensive and seize the mountain NE of the slum village.

Bravo Troop, Headquarters Section
Troop Commanding Officer (Warhorse-6):
Troop First Sergeant (Warhorse-7):

1st Platoon, Bravo Troop
Troop Chief Medical Officer (Atlas-6):
Aid Team Leader (Mustang-1):
Aid Team Leader (Mustang-2):
Support Team Leader (Atlas-4):
^These are 4-man teams located at the village slums, equipped with 2x 4-Door Open-Top Humvees and 1x M1239 AUV MRAP with a CROWS M2.

Medical Team Leader (Atlas-1):
^Atlas-1 will be co-located with Viking and is equipped with a Stryker MEV.

2nd Platoon, Bravo Troop
Platoon Leader (Viking-6):
-Radio Operator, Maintainer, and Driver:
^Viking-6 Operates an M1238 ASV MRAP

Platoon Sergeant (Viking-5):
-Radio Operator, Maintainer, and Driver:
^Viking-5 Operates an M1239 AUV MRAP

Squad Leader (Viking-1):
-Vehicle Commander (Sierra-1):

Squad Leader (Viking-2):
-Vehicle Commander (Sierra-2):

Squad Leader (Viking-3):
-Vehicle Commander (Sierra-3):

Weapons Squad Leader (Viking-4):
-Vehicle Commander (Sierra-4):


Teamspeak, Arma 3 Training Servers

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