7th Cavalry Gaming

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Officer Development School - June 2023 Cycle

  • Organiser LaCombe.M
  • Start date Date Posted:

The Regiment will be conducting Officer Development School for candidates wishing to advance their careers in the Regiment by being commissioned as a Second Lieutenant as Platoon Leader slots become available. Officer Development School (ODS) runs over 3 days, each session lasting approximately 1-2 hours. Please note that Day 3 is mandatory for attendance and cannot be missed.

Troopers will learn

  • Day 1 - Duties and Responsibilities
  • Day 2 - Plans and Orders
  • Day 3 - Managing Subordinates
Course Schedule

  • Deadline to apply: Tuesday, May 30 @ 2359z - no exceptions.
  • Day 1 - Saturday, June 3rd @ 1700Z
  • Day 2 - Sunday, June 4th @ 1700Z
  • Day 3 - Saturday, June 10th @ 1700Z
Student Prerequisites

  • Minimum rank of Specialist [E-4]
  • No negative action
  • Completion of NCOA Phase I and II
  • Completion of Server Admin Course [SAC]
  • Any individual prerequisites set by Battalion CO's for their assigned seats

  • We will be accepting applications for all MOS' and companies
  • The number of applicants accepted will be determined by the anticipated need of each company
  • Day 3 is mandatory for ALL candidates and cannot be missed or made up!
  • Please reference 7CAV-R-033 for additional ODS policies and details
How to Apply

  • To apply for a slot in the school, simply PM the next person in your chain-of-command. This will be forwarded up the CoC to your Battalion CO for review and final approval.
How Does it Work?

  • Upon completion of ODS Day 3, candidates are assigned 3 evaluations which they must complete within a specific number of days
  • The evaluations are scored and each candidate is informed of their grade
  • Candidates who meet or exceed the passing grade for the evaluations are put on an eligibility list in order of their score
  • When a Platoon Leader position opens up in an MOS or company: Company Commanders, Battalion Staff, and the Regimental Chief of Staff choose the member off that list to be commissioned with considerable weight given to score. The Regimental Chief of Staff is the final authority on grading of officer candidates and commissioning new Second Lieutenants.
Former Officers

Former officers and ODS graduates are eligible for commission or attendance at ODS under the following criteria. All former ODS graduates are not required to re-take Day 1 or 2 unless otherwise specified below.
  • Discharged/Retired ODS Graduates: Officer candidates are removed from the officer eligibility list/officer pool upon discharge or retirement. To re-enter the eligibility list/officer pool, all former ODS graduates that discharged or retired and re-enlisted will require:
    • Their 90 day "no leadership billet" billet moratorium to have passed per 7CAV-R-001
    • A recommendation from the Battalion Commander for the MOS they are applying
    • Approval by the Regimental Chief of Staff
    • Former ODS graduates in this category who already completed ODS may apply for the same MOS they served in and may either: re-take Day 3 and the evaluations to better their prior score, or go with their prior score. If they are applying for a different MOS, they go through the same process of either re-taking Day 3 and the evaluations to better their prior score, or go with their prior score. They are also required to receive a recommendation from their Battalion Commander for the new MOS they are applying, and receive final approval from the Regimental Chief of Staff.
  • Former Officers: Former officers who did NOT complete ODS must complete ALL 3 days of ODS and the evaluations
  • Lost position due to down-sizing: A former officer who completed ODS and applies for the same MOS they served in are eligible for first chance at a new position when it becomes available. If they apply for an MOS they didn't test for originally, they must re-take the evaluations, and if they pass, they get first offer as well for their new score.
  • Removed from billet for reasons: These will be considered on a case-by-base basis
  • Former ODS graduates: ODS graduates that still actively exist in the eligibility list/officer pool that want to improve their existing score must be approved by the ODS Lead, attend Day 3, and re-take the evaluations
  • There are 4 slots for former ODS graduates. Former graduates should contact LTG.Burgundy.C & Colonel LaCombe.M directly. If you are a Discharged/Retired former ODS graduate that has since re-enlisted or are changing your MOS, please make sure your Battalion Commander recommendation is also sent by forum PM.
  • Exceptions to the above may be made at the discretion of the General Staff depending on the needs of the Regiment!

Company Commanders are not expected to write a novel in support of candidates from their company. Simply submit the names to your Battalion Staff. Battalion Staff will review and the Battalion CO submits his or her final approved group names from all companies to the Regimental CoS and ODS Lead (LTG.Burgundy.C & Colonel LaCombe.M) in one PM by the due date.

Do not submit any names you would not immediately be prepared to have commissioned!


Classroom 1 (Discord)

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