7th Cavalry Gaming

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[HLL][Operations] Campaign Golden Toothbrush | Operation Amazonian Rage 27FEB21 2100Z

  • Organiser Rob.Y
  • Start date Date Posted:

S3 Operations Presents

Campaign Golden Toothbrush | Operation Amazonian Rage | against HLL Tango

by Mission Controller: 2LT.Adler.J

Estimated Length:
1.5-2 Hours

Date: 27, FEB 2021

Rally: 2030 Zulu (15:30PM EST)

Mission START: 2100 Zulu

ENDEX: 2230 Zulu

BE IN TEAMSPEAK HLL Operations Channel NO LATER THAN 2030Z on the 27FEB21. Late arrivals will not be permitted unless they alerted the Mission controller ahead of the operation.
Please see this announcement for Calendar Issue to Prevent being Zulued https://7cav.us/threads/important-new-calendar-and-zulu-time.462/

To sign up, please respond as going and answer this google form

Server: Tac 2
Mission: Modified Vanilla Scrim against HLL Tango
  • Two 45-minutes Rounds, 5 minute break in-between
  • Same map, teams will swap factions
  • Attempt to Capture and Hold 4 Strongpoints
Rule 1#. Any cheating, exploiting, or glitching will result in an immediate ban
Rule 2#. All squads must have a squad leader
Rule 3#. Only recon (spotter/sniper) will be allowed behind the enemy lines as marked on map ( within the two grid squares of enemy HQs). See Example. Recon may capture strongpoint behind enemy lines.
Rule 4#. Peripheral HQ spawns may not be spawn camped, however, this does not apply to the middle HQ spawn, it will be treated the same as any outpost or garrison. See example
Rule 5#. Destroying unmanned vehicles in HQ is prohibited. See example
Rule 6#. If a team is able to capture and hold four strongpoints for a continuous 15 minutes they will be declared the winner of the round and the round will end. Winning a round in this fashion will count as five captured strongpoints. Losing team will still earn one point.
Rule 7#. All players must be wearing the clan tag(s) of their team. Players may enter, exit, or rejoin the match at any time, however, teams will not be allowed to exceed 48 players maximum.
Rule 8#. Player will not be allowed to initiate a vote to kick any players at any time
Rule 9#. Any and all live streams of the event will be placed on a twenty minute delay
Rule 10#. All admin decisions are not to be contested during the match. Disrespect to an admin will not be tolerated.
Rule 11#. Teams may play with fewer than 48 members. The team with fewer players may request to forfeit, giving up all points, in exchange for balancing teams to have a fun match! We highly encourage the team with more players to agree to balancing, however, the opposing team may choose not to. Winning by forfeit will count as a ten point match.

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