7th Cavalry Gaming

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Recent content by Albright.J

  1. Albright.J

    Operation ARMA 3 | Bravo Troop FTX Iron Resolve | 26MAY 1900Z

    have to withdraw. Got early shift the next day and can't guarantee I will be able to stay until the end. Will join as any medical team TM
  2. Albright.J

    Operation ARMA 3 | Bravo Troop FTX Iron Resolve | 26MAY 1900Z

    Requesting Viking-7 Please bear with me, will be my first time playing this role ^^
  3. Albright.J

    Operation ARMA 3 | Operation Neptune D-Day | 08JUN24 @ 1900z

    Requesting Baker 1-7 Medic
  4. Albright.J

    Operation Arma 3 | Operation Neptune D-1 | 08JUN24 @ 1530z

    Requesting Dog 6-7 Medic