7th Cavalry Gaming

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Search results

  1. Lucander.P

    AAR ARMA 3 | Bravo Troop FTX Iron Resolve

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Element Callsign: Viking - 4 Element Leader: Sergeant Lucander.P 7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element: Corporal Morozov.M Corporal Hess.J Corporal Dio.B Corporal Lamb.J Specialist Dohun.T...
  2. Lucander.P

    Operation ARMA 3 | Bravo Troop FTX Iron Resolve | 26MAY 1900Z

    i will attend as Viking 4 SL or Alpha FTL.
  3. Lucander.P

    AAR ARMA 3 | 24 Hour Op | Operation Trail Blazer

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Element Callsign: Gunslinger - 4 Element Leader: Sergeant Lucander.P Attended from: 27/4 16z to 28/4 15z 7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element: N/A Pros: Mixed AOs Good amount of contacts...
  4. Lucander.P

    Operation REFORGER | Operation Into the Breach | 06APR 1900z

    would like to attend as HAVOC-4 MMG Gunner
  5. Lucander.P

    Arma 3: Tactical Realism Feedback Thread - Closed

    2 crew, we got the completed and was waiting for a good 10 min nothing showed up.
  6. Lucander.P

    Arma 3: Tactical Realism Feedback Thread - Closed

    Secondary Objectives, "Search and Rescue" are not giving the reward of 10 intel per crew alive, we got that it completed. Mission: Liberation v0.96.7a-7Cav-0.8 Map: G.O.S Al Rayak
  7. Lucander.P

    Operation ARMA 3 | Campaign Sumava Security | Operation Harsh Lesson | 24FEB2024 @2000z (3pm EST)

    is this Campaign Sumava Freedom or Sumava Security?
  8. Lucander.P

    AAR ARMA 3 | 24 Hour Operation | Operation Sumava Freedom | 09DEC23 - 10DEC23 | 2000Z to 2000Z

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Operation Name: Operation Sumava Freedom Operation Airfield - ASSASSIN 4 Operation Air Assault - ASSASSIN 4 Operation Mechanized Assault - VIKING-4 Operation HVT Capture / VIP Capture -...
  9. Lucander.P

    AAR AAR - ARMA 3 | Campaign Sumava Security | Ghost Town

    DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY S3 BATTLE STAFF Headquarters 7th Cavalry Regiment COMBAT AFTER ACTION REPORT Element Callsign: Bandit-4 Element Leader: CPL.Lucander.P 7th Cavalry Personnel Within Element: SGM.Preacher.A SFC.Abate.L SGT.Crowley.T CPL.Lucander.P Pros: Had okay time. Abate provide...
  10. Lucander.P

    Operation ARMA 3 | 24 Hour Operation | Operation Sumava Freedom | 09DEC23 - 10DEC23 | 2000Z to 2000Z

    I CPL.Lucander.P 4/2/B/1-7 would like to sign up as: Operation Airfield (Company Level Event): ASSASSIN 4 Team Lead or Member Operation Air Assault (Company Level Event): ASSASSIN 4 Team Lead or Member Operation Mechanized Assault: VIKING 4 Vehicle Commander Operation HVT Capture / VIP...
  11. Lucander.P

    Operation Halloween Event | Lost Souls | 28OCT2023 @1900Z

    I would like to attend as JTF member. 4/2/B/1-7 VC
  12. Lucander.P

    Operation ARMA 3 | TRP FTX | Campaign Thundering Herd | Operation Sand Bird - Phase 2 | 24SEP 1900Z

    I plan on attending as SIERRA-4, CPL.Lucander.P 4/2/B/1-7. I might be late becuse of Ranger selection, will update post if that is the case.
  13. Lucander.P

    Operation ARMA 3 | BTrp FTX | Operation Werewolf | 27AUG 19z

    I'll attend as Sierra-4
  14. Lucander.P

    Operation ARMA 3 | BTrp FTX | Operation Werewolf | 27AUG 19z

    Geki.T OPORD TBA, OPORD and Slots when? its this weekend you know.
  15. Lucander.P

    Operation Campaign Divided Guard | Operation Dark Thoughts - 09SEP2023 1900z

    I would like to attend as Platoon RQ-11 Drone Operator, D/2/B/1-7 19D Cavalry Scout UASO (Unmanned Aerial Systems Operator)