7th Cavalry Gaming

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Search results

  1. Re-Enlistment Closed [PC - Hell Let Loose] - Raney.Matt

    Username: Raney.M Name Raney.Matt Recruiter(s) N/a Age 26 Time zone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada) Discord Account Reaper95#0751 Military experience Yes MOS 68S Preventive medicine specialist Branch and duration Army 4 years Selected Roster: Active Duty Platform and...
  2. Posted Re-Enlistment [PC - Hell Let Loose] - Raney.Matt

    Username: Reaper48 Name Raney.Matt Recruiter(s) Cant Remember original Recruiter, came back on my own Age 26 Time zone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada) Discord Account Reaper95#0751 Military experience Yes MOS 68S Preventive Medicine Specialist Branch and duration Army 4...