7th Cavalry Gaming

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  1. Boyd.M

    Arma 3: Liberation Tactical Realism 2 Feedback Thread - CLOSED

    We have tried this many times before, changing the slots make no difference and people will find a way around it to play how they want. If you want organized gameplay slot as 5/6 and take command. If you express an interest in organizing the server and make that vocal and setup a mission plan...
  2. Boyd.M

    I don't care how hot it is in like the hottest state, that is basically a desert. I live in...

    I don't care how hot it is in like the hottest state, that is basically a desert. I live in Canada and this is brutal.
  3. Boyd.M

    Wow. are dad jokes a prerequisite for CSM?

    Wow. are dad jokes a prerequisite for CSM?
  4. Boyd.M

    7:30am and its 24*C, will be 37 later today. that's about 97*F for all you Americans.

    7:30am and its 24*C, will be 37 later today. that's about 97*F for all you Americans.
  5. Boyd.M

    Operation UNOFFICIAL HALO Operation - Operation Forward Core - 27JUN21 0000Z

    I can run as leadership if we need, otherwise I will fill wherever I am needed.
  6. Boyd.M

    Operation [ARMA 3][Operations] June Warfare Wednesday 2021 - Every Wednesday @2200Z

    I will attend as Eski-1 AFTL under Abate.L
  7. Boyd.M

    OMG Cosme, Stop.

    OMG Cosme, Stop.
  8. Boyd.M

    Arma 3: Liberation Tactical Realism 2 Feedback Thread - CLOSED

    Is there a way to just lower the number or garrisoned troops, or make it work somehow. having them not garrison means the entire AO pulls to whatever direction the battle is coming from, so you can pull other AOs into you AO and just mow down waves of AI. I prefer to have to push in a clear...